George obliged and sat down, watching as Clay pulled out a pot and fill it with water. He lit the stove and waited for the water to boil. His eyes met George's and George looked away, hating how good Clay looked as he cooked.

Clay took a deep breath and said softly, "Listen, I'm not actually a car salesman."

George looked up. "So you lied."

"Uh, yeah," Clay said and cringed. "I'm actually, uh, a journalist."

"A journalist," George deadpanned.

"Yep, uh, my boss told me to do an article on Dream and I was gone for two weeks. I had to do a ton of research and dig up stuff on his case."

George narrowed his eyes skeptically. "Why would you lie about that?"

Clay cleared his throat nervously and looked away to pour the noodles in the boiling water. He met George's stare and muttered, "I wanted to impress you. Being a car salesman sounds much cooler."

"No it doesn't. We have so much more in common now." George sighed. "Clay— how am I supposed to trust you now? You lied about your work and being a car scammer. How do I know you won't lie again?"

"Peace pasta?" Clay offered and added sincerely, "I promise I won't lie again."

George tried to match his hopeful attitude by joking softly, "You better make some damn good spaghetti then."

Clay smiled slowly. He heated up the marinera sauce and drained the noodles. George hesitantly took the bowl of noodles that he offered and took a cautious bite.

Clay watched, his own bowl in his hands. Cat jumped on the table and broke the awkward moment. Cat gratefully accepted Clay's pat on his head.

"Have you named him yet?" Clay asked.

"No, I just call him Cat. I don't want to give him the wrong name and end up hating it."

"You can always change it."

George shook his head. "I want it to be perfect."

Clay nodded in understanding. They finished their noodles and Clay asked, "Do you want to watch a movie?"

George looked at his clock and shrugged. It was a Friday after all. "Sure, what did you have in mind?"

Clay grinned. "I have the perfect movie, but things need to happen first."

George gave him a confused look and Clay gestures to him. "I'll make the popcorn and you take a shower."

"I don't need a shower," George said defensively.

Clay crossed his arms. "You need to take care of yourself, George. Go shower and get some comfortable clothes. Trust me, I won't burn the popcorn."

George looked between Clay's honest eyes and sighed, his shoulders sagging in defeat. "Fine," he mumbled.

George left Clay alone to make the popcorn and took a shower. He didn't take too long; he didn't want to be rude. Fifteen minutes later he stepped out of his bathroom in sweatpants and a plain hoodie.

Clay was also in sweatpants and a long sleeve t shirt. George blinked. "You changed?"

Clay shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "I didn't want to be uncomfortable."

George raised an eyebrow. "So what are we watching?"

Clay sat down on the couch and set the popcorn on the coffee table. He turned on George's tv, looking over to confirm, "You have Disney plus, right?"

"I think so, but I don't use it."

Clay shrugged and opened the Disney plus icon as George sat down, leaving space between them. Clay flipped through the movies and selected one.

"Luca?" George asked, "Isn't that a children's movie?"

"Hey," Clay said stubbornly, "don't label movies as children's. Adults can watch them too."

George laughed softly, watching as the movie started, music greeting his ears. He looked to Clay, who had a playful smile. Clay whispered, "This one is my favorite."


"You'll see," Clay said with a wink. He unsubtly scooted closed to George and yawned, wrapping his arm around George.

"Smooth," George snickered.

"Oh, shut up, the movie is starting."

George grinned at watched the screen, the two completely forgetting about the popcorn as the animated characters on tv talked.

After a while, George's eyes started to get heavy. He tried blinking to keep himself awake, but his head betrayed him and rested on Clay's shoulder.

The steady beat of Clay's heart motivated him to stay awake and finish the movie.

His eyes were teary as he watched the last scene play out. He couldn't believe Alberto was that selfless for his friend, Luca. His heart was full as the credits appeared on screen.

"You still awake, Georgie?" Clay whispered.

"Georgie?" George replied sleepily and looked up at Clay.

Clay smiled softly. "Are you tired?"

"No—" George's sentence with cut off with a yawn.

Clay laughed quietly, his eyes soft as he looked at George. "Let's put you in bed, okay?"

George nodded sleepily. Clay turned off the tv and lifted George up, carting him bridal style. George let out a small noise of protest, but Clay walked through his apartment, opening door after door to find his room.

Clay set him on his bed and froze. Through tired eyes, George saw Clay walk up to his wall. Clay stopped in front of the large collection of photos, articles, and pins of Dream's case. Clay traced a finger over a photo, wincing as he looked back to George.

"George?" He asked quietly, "What is all of this?"

"My work," George slurred, "shhh, you can't tell anyone."

Clay's eyes shuttered and he walked to George. He pulled them blanket over him and started to walk away.

"Clay?" George mumbled, "Can you stay?"

"Oh, I don't know," Clay said slowly, "that doesn't sound—"

"Please?" George whispered, "He might be watching. I feel safer with you."

Clay's face fell at the confession. He slipped under the covers next to George and murmured, "Okay, I'll stay. He won't hurt you."

George was confused at the pained strain in Clay's voice, but he was too tired to think about it further.

He wrapped his arms around Clay and sighed softly, hearing a quiet, "I'm sorry George."


a/n - if you haven't watched Luca, go watch it. it's probably my favorite movie. I love it so so much

go drink some water! bye! <3

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