The Flower Shop

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Everyday when Jesper was walking down the street, there was one local flower shop that was playing music through the open door.

It didn't bother him. He had grown to like it. However the music was produced, it always was something Jesper knew and often liked.

One day, as he was on his way to do an errand for Kaz, he heard a familiar guitar piece and drum beat starting a song. It went on for a while before the singer started singing.

"They were sitting, they were sitting on the strawberry swing..."

Jesper smiled to himself and added a mental tally to the songs he knew that the shop played. He hadn't heard that song in a while. Remembering that it was Inej's birthday, he decided to go into the shop for the first time.

As he walked closer to the door, the music got a little louder and the sweet smell of flowers reached him. He walked through the door and began examining the flower choices around him. As he looked around, the music continued.

"Now my feet won't touch the ground. Cold, cold water what you say? It's such a perfect day..."

Jesper started tapping his foot with the drum beat and swayed a little. He paused a second, thinking he had heard something. When he rounded the corner, he found his answer.

Behind a counter, there was a single boy humming along with the music while fixing a flower arrangement. He swayed slightly and every once and a while, he would sing a few lyrics. He wasn't bad.

The boy had strawberry blond curls that fell down in front of his face. His white button up's sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He had a pair of jeans on, cuffed at the bottom before they met his simple shoes. His pale blue apron had a few flower clippings pushed in the pockets with a pair of scissors.

Jesper must have made a noise because soon, the boy looked up. His face was covered in constellations of freckles that also peaked up around his collar. His eyes were wide and an indescribable blue-green color. He made eye contact with Jesper and a small blush bloomed on his face.

"Oh, um, hello." He said surprised by the gorgeous boy in front of him. "Can I help you with anything?"

Jesper was about to decline when he remembered that he knew nothing about flowers or even what Inej would like. He took a quick glance at the boy's small name tag. "Yes. Please, Wylan." The boy blushed at the sound of his name. "I'm getting some flowers for a friend and I really don't know what to get."

"Oh, ok." Wylan made his way around the counter. "Well, what's the occasion?"


"Ok. I recommend any of these flowers over here." Wylan pointed to a group of flowers, all small and delicate but varied in colors.

"Thanks. I think I'll get a few of these." Jesper motioned to a few purple and blue flowers. Wylan moved and plucked a few from the bins.

"That good?" He asked, showing Jesper the flowers he collected that Jesper had asked for.

"Yes, thanks."

Wylan went back behind the counter and wrapped the flowers in a bit of plastic and tissue paper. He handed the bunch to Jesper.

"How much do I owe you?"

"Hm? Oh yeah that. That's... 4 kruge." Wylan answered.

Jesper handed over the money. "Thanks, Wylan."

Wylan looked up. "How did you know my- oh yeah. Sorry. Sometimes I forget I have the name tag. What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Jesper Fahey." Jesper said with a smile, extending his arm to shake Wylan's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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