Snow Day (this one's pretty long.)

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Wylan was making breakfast in his pajama pants when he noticed the snow falling from the sky from behind the thin kitchen curtains. He smiled to himself, knowing Jesper-who was still in bed- would be thrilled.

It wasn't a big deal when it snowed in Ketterdam. The climate was usually cooler. But Jesper had spent most of his life in Novyi Zem, which was known for the very hot weather.

Wylan finished putting the eggs on the plates and butter on the toast before making his way up the stairs. The bedroom door was cracked from when Wylan left to head to the kitchen. He pushed it open just enough to step in.

Jesper was sprawled out on the bed, blankets tangled around his body. His chest was bare and he was spooning a pillow due to Wylan's absence. His lips were slightly parted and a small snoring sound could be heard in the silence of the house.

"Jes." Wylan whispered, walking towards the sleeping boy. "Jes, wake up."

"Mhhhhmm" Jesper grumbled, rolling so his back faced Wylan. Wylan walked around the bed so he could see Jesper's face again.

"Jes." Wylan stroked his forehead gently. "You should get up."

"No," Jesper's voice was heavy with sleep. Before Wylan knew it, Jesper's arms were wrapped around his torso, pulling him close. Jesper buried his face into Wylan's stomach. His voice was muffled. "you should come back to bed."

Wylan smiled. He loved snuggling with Jesper but once he started, he never wanted to stop.

"Jes, I have a surprise for you." Jesper pushed Wylan away just enough so he could make eye contact.

"This better not be a trick."

"It's not, I swear." He removed Jesper's arms from his waist and walked to the window, pulling back the sheer curtains, exposing the weather outside. "Look."

Jesper sat up in bed and tried to step out of bed, only to fall on his face due to the tangled blankets. It didn't take him long to escape from the covers and look out the window beside Wylan.

He looked at Wylan and then back at the window. "Wy, it's snowing!" He practically yelled.

Wylan laughed. "Yes it is. Let's make the bed, eat breakfast and find our coats so that we can go outside."

Jesper ran over to the bed, pulling the sheets and covers up at the same time and threw the pillows onto the bed. He was out the bedroom door before Wylan could stop him. He could hear the thuds of his footsteps down the stairs. He followed quick.

When he got down the stairs, Jesper was moving the plates from the island to the table and getting silverware from the drawer. The dishes that were in the sink were on the cloth towels, drying.

Jesper sat the plates down and pulled out the chair closest to Wylan.

"Take a seat, merchling." He said with a smirk.

Wylan blushed and did as Jesper told him.

Jesper sat down in the seat right next to him and started shoveling the food into his mouth. Wylan laughed and picked up his pace. Jesper rushed over to the sink and cleaned his dishes. As soon as Wylan took his last bite, Jesper took his to clean too.

"I'm going to go find our coats." Wylan said walking up the back stairway.

"Ok. I think they might be in the hall closet." Jesper called up in a cheerful voice. He usually couldn't remember where things were but when it came to things he loved, he knew their exact location. Just another adorable piece of Jesper's ADHD.

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