Winter, 1896 : Chapter One

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She noticed him immediately.

Her whole life had been spent working in town, near the docks, so when the new face arrived, his presence didn't go unnoticed.

He was young, she wanted to say around her age. Much younger than the other men who would slave away in the docks. Besides the obvious difference in age, his feelings toward his work were much more positive. Every morning it was the same. He would walk through the town, giving a nod to the men, and a curt 'hello' to the women he passed on his way to the docks. And every day he wore the same outfit. Same set of overalls, same set of slacks, and same tartan jacket to top it all off.

He didn't look any different than the other white boys that would pass through the town; Tousled dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin. There didn't seem to be anything special about him, so it didn't make sense as to why she couldn't tear her eyes away from him.


Said girl turned. She had been lost in thought.

"Yes, Ms. Pippett?" She smiled at the older woman.

"How is the dress coming along?" She inquired, raising her eyebrows in the direction of the tea gown she was currently working on.

"It should be done soon, Ms. Jeannie. I have yet to add the lace, but I should be able to get to that by day after tomorrow." (Y/n) took a step away from the mannequin to admire the unfinished tea gown that was displayed on it.

Ms. Jeannie gave her a nod before turning back to the stairs and retreating to the main floor of the 'La Rue Auber' to tend to any customers that may have walked in. After her footsteps could no longer be heard, (Y/n) quickly shuffled to the window in hopes of catching the boy entering the town.

After a few minutes of waiting, a familiar tartan jacket could be seen from the second story of 'La Rue Auber'. She could see the boys head bob up and down as he greeted the passerby. She watched him for as long as she could until his figure became a mere speck in the distance.

"One day, I shall talk to you." She concluded. And with that, she turned back to her current project.

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