"Alright, we completely emptied these three bags." Your dad said.

"There's still one too many." The army officer said.

"I got it." Xiao took the last backpack that wouldn't be allowed and stuff most of the stuff into his, then the rest in the duffel your dad took. "Alright everything fit."

"Good, please sign in here." The officer said.

[Andy Li, Amy Li, Y/n Li,

Xiao Yaksha, Razor Lupis,

Dani Sinae, Ganyu Sinae,

Huffman Rota, Lawrence Rota, Bennett Rota]

"Alright all of you know these helicopters will be going to Tainium right? No where else?"


"Good, so it matters not which helicopter we get in?" Fischl asked. The army officer nodded.

"When we get in the elevator what button do we press?" Your dad asked.


"Okay thanks" Your dad said. You all walked to the elevators, with Bennett begging to press the button.

"Don't press the wro-" Bennett already pressed the wrong button.

"Damn it Bennett." Razor said.


"it's alright guys, just press the H" Ganyu said. The elevator went up, and finally stopped at the final floor. It was the roof of the hotel, tons of other families were already there.

"Alright new guys, just find somewhere to sit. We'll pass out food and stuff later."

"Okay thank you." You all said.

"So now we just wait here?" Ganyu asked.

"You guys can, I'm gonna go mingle with everyone else." Your dad said. The other adults did the same.

"I don't wanna mingle." Razor said.

"Me either." You said.

"I'm gonna sleep." Ganyu lied down, accidentally hitting someone behind her. "Oh sorry, I was trying to lie down."

"It's okay."

"Your hair is very pretty by the way."

"Thanks, yours is nice too, do you dye it blue?"

"No, do dye yours purple?"


"Okay while they're talking do you guys wanna play a game?" You asked.

"Sure" The three boys and Fischl said.

"Let's go around, and all say an embarrassing moment from our life." You said.

"Oof, Perhaps I will go mingle with father." Fischl got up and ran.


"Fischl can do a bunch of embarrassing things."

"Oh, well it couldn't have been that bad..." Xiao said.

"Probably could have. Anyways who wants to start?" You asked.

"I will." Razor raised his hand. "In middle school, I accidentally got locked in the gym after p.e, and nobody came to help me until the next day. And the staff at the house I lived at had a bunch of search parties for me, they thought I went into the woods to look for wolves." Razor said.


"They didn't even think of checking the school??" Xiao asked. Razor shook his head.

"Okay okay! Me next." Bennett said. "In high school gym we did those rope climb things, you guys know those?" Razor started laughing.

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