Log: 12

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"Hey are you guys coming down soon-"

"Shh. He fell asleep." You turned to look at Ganyu who came out onto the roof.

"Oh my apologies. I'll take the clothes down, everyone's getting pretty sleepy."

"Alright, that pile there is mine and Xiao's." You pointed. She grabbed the clothes and sat next to you.

"Have you seen anything?"

"Yeah actually over there..." You pointed to the left. "I keep hearing the water sink down over there, as if someone's dropping heavy rocks into it. But I don't see anything."

"I'll wake you up early tomorrow, so we can investigate it."


"Night Y/n."

"I'll come down soon, tell everyone I said goodnight too." Ganyu nodded and climbed down into the lab. You shook Xiao awake.

"What is it"

"We should go down into the lab and sleep."

"Oh, I fell asleep?"


"Okay yes, let's go down." Xiao stood up and then helped you up. You picked up the now dry clothes, and climbed down.

"Be quiet because everyone is sleeping." You intertwined your fingers with his and pulled him along. You quietly walked around everyone, and found two places that they had set up for you and Xiao to sleep on. He lied down and rolled his clothes up, so he could use them as a pillow, the you handed him a blanket, and he fell asleep. You did the same right after.

"Y/n- Y/n!!" Ganyu whispered as she shook you awake.

"Hmm??" You rolled around and opened your eyes.

"So I accidentally stepped on Ningguang and woke her up, but now she's coming with us."

"Oh right the whirlpool or whatever. Let me get ready." You sat up and grabbed your bag. "Is there a bathroom here?"

"Yeah go left down the hall."

"I'm gonna assume the door is labeled with a bathroom sign?"

"No it says WC but it's the same thing I think."

"WC means water closet." You said. Ganyu stared blankly at you. "You didn't know huh?"

"I always thought it meant water color... or like woman crown, oh oh! Or welcome too?" You laughed at Ganyu who kept pairing up words that started with W and C together.

"I brought you these gummies." Ningguang walked in after you left and placed the pack down next to Ganyu.

"Gummies... For breakfast?"

"They looked good? You can have these pretzels instead, I will eat the gummies." Ningguang switched the packs.

"If you want the pretzels I don't mind having the g-"

"Nope already eating them." Ningguang tossed two gummy bears into the air and caught them in her mouth. You came back twenty minutes later.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go." They nodded and followed you to the ladder that led you to the roof of the lab. The girls climbed up after you, then you pulled them out once you reached the surface.

"So where's that thing you guys were talking about?"

"Over there" You pointed. "We're gonna have to swim... But i'm scared of that now..."

"Xiao! Xiao!!!" Xiao opened his eyes and saw Bennett.

"What do you want" Xiao turned to face the wall.

Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now