Log: 2

36 2 0

Xiao and Razor woke up an hour later.

"Are you ready to continue again?" Xiao asked you. You nodded.

"Do you guys wanna come along with us?" You asked Bennett and Razor.

"Yes!" Bennett said. He got up and extended his hand out to Razor, pulling him up.

"Can one of you carry my skateboard?" Xiao asked taking it out of the sleeve loops you made.

"Sure" Razor took it.

"Okay, be careful with it, it's the last thing my mom gave me"

"Who's this?" Razor pointed at the man on the bottom of the board.

"My dad."

"Okay, I'll keep it safe." Razor tucked it into his fingertips. Xiao leaned down in front of you.


"We're getting rid of these." He took the stretched out sleeve off of your shoulders. Then he carried you on his back again.

"Where are we going?" Razor asked.

"We're going to the edge of the volcano, since it's elevated there, there's bound to be people there. And ultimately all of us are looking for our families right?"

"Yes." They all said at once.

"So let's hope they had the same idea of going over there, or someone we know is over there." You said. Xiao began walking and the other two followed, a few steps behind.

"Razor are you okay?"

"I'm fine"

"I'm sorry about before. I didn't want to walk off like that but I thought you really didn't trust me.."


"Can we talk about it?"

"No, I know you don't feel the same." Razor said. Bennett smiled, and put his arm around his best friend.

"That's not true."

"Well I don't mean best friend love." Razor said, taking Bennett's arm off his shoulder.

"Guys we need to cross the road there and it'll be a bit deeper, so be careful okay!" You called out.

"Okay" Razor said and increased his pace. Bennett furrowed his eyebrows and followed closely behind.

"Hold on, it seems to be moving fast so your foot is gonna hurt." Xiao said slowly getting off the elevated lawns onto the sidewalk. He was right, the water was flowing quickly.

"Ow ow!" You squeezed him.

"You okay?" He called out.

"Yeah just walk please." You said. He nodded, and treaded through the water. Razor and Bennett followed behind, quiet as hell. You'd assumed they would be chatting a lot since being best friends and all. You reached over into your pocket and grabbed your notebook and the pen.

"What are you doing?"

"There's cool fish!" You said.

"You're in major pain and you wanna write about the fish?"

"Yeah!" You flipped through and wrote down observations of the fish and other creatures you could see. There was a white cow koi that swam past Xiao's legs. And a Yellowfin bream. You heard something plunge into the water behind you so you turned around to see Razor's hand in the water. He caught a fish. "Hey what fish is that?" You asked seeing all of the pretty colors on it.

Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now