Log: 11

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"We found somewhere we can sleep! And the vending machines are still intact!"

"VENDING MACHINES??" Bennett woke up from his nap.

"Yes! Come on!" Ganyu grabbed Bennett and Razor and ran to the room she was talking about. You and Xiao followed her.

"Uh step back" You said pushing Bennett behind you. You rubbed your elbow, and broke the glass of the vending machine. "Alright! Dinner time guys." You handed out bags of chips, candy bars, and different snacks. Everyone sat down to eat.

"Y/n?" Xiao whispered as he sat next to you.


"Can I talk to you about something later?"

"Yeah sure, is anything wrong?"

"Um. It might be after, but for now no."

"Alright, well hopefully I can help. You want some of this soda?" You hovered the soda in front of his face. He smiled a bit.

"Okay" He took the soda from you and took a sip.

"There's no pillows..." Ningguang shouted. You all looked over. "What?"

"Nothing!" You smiled widely. "We can take some of the clothes up to the lab's roof, and sun dry them, then use them as pillows."

"Oh yeah we can roll them up!" Ningguang grabbed her moist bag, and began taking out clothes.

"I can take them up no worries." You grabbed everyone's clothes and climbed up to the roof, setting them out in the sun. Xiao climbed up after.

"The sun's going down." He sat on the edge of the roof, letting his feet hang off the side. You sat next to him.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?" You sat down next to him.

"Um.." He rubbed the palm of his hand. "So I, um."

"What's wrong?"

"It's not- there's nothing wrong- um, fuck!" He pulled on his hair.

"Oh my god stop!" You pulled his hands away from his hair. "Whatever it is, I can assure you it isn't bad."

"Why did Xiao go with Y/n?" Razor asked. Bennett just shrugged.

"Do you guys wanna look around? I think I saw cool stuff in a separate room" Ningguang said. Razor and Bennett nodded, while Ganyu got up and led everyone to a different room.


"DAD I'M HERE!!" Fischl waved her two hands.

"Oh good. Huffman made dinner!"

"Oh okay. Come on Oz!" The raven perched itself onto her shoulder. "What did you make??" Fischl sat down at the table.

"Don't worry I didn't make any chicken! I made some good spaghetti. Dani come over and eat too!" The lady with light blue hair sat down.

"Mrs. Dani what's wrong?" Fischl asked.

"I just miss my baby."

"We all miss our children. I seriously hope they're okay." Lawrence said.

(AN_ I had no clue who to use for Bennett's dads, so I picked Huffman and Lawrence, from the Knight's of Favonius.)

"Dad how do you think Y/n is doing?" Fischl slurped up some of the noodles.

"Knowing our Y/n, she's just fine right now."

"I'm dying to meet your daughter. Fischl is so cute, so I can only imagine what Y/n is like." Dani said.

Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now