Log: 14

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You woke up the next day. Your eyes were still tired. You squeezed yourself out of Xiao's arms, and made sure Razor didn't wake up before going out to the main entrance. "Please please please." You climbed the ladder, and twisted the handle to the latch. As soon as you lifted it a little bit water gushed in, sending you down the ladder. "OH FUCK!" You climbed back up and closed it, looking down at all the water in the lab. It was just a giant puddle. Bennett walked in. "I'm sorry did I wake you up??"


"I wanted to see how much water there was... Did I wake up anyone else?"

"I don't think so. Is there a lot?"

"Well yeah. It literally knocked me down."

"Hah." You glared at him. "Sorry I feel like that would've looked funny."

"Okay well I hit my arm on the ladder."

"I'm sorry.." He said.

"We need to get out of here, we can't stay here." You said, going to the bathroom. Bennett followed, and waited outside for you to finish. You went to wake everyone up, and they made a line outside of the bathroom. You found your clothes and changed into something else. You turned around and saw Ganyu waiting around the corner.

"Sorry I didn't want to walk in."

"It's alright, how are you doing?" You asked. She shook her head.

"I still feel horrible." You sighed and hugged her.

"I know Ganyu, I'm not sure what to say but we all miss her."

"I know I know."

"It's okay, I'm here as long as you need okay?" Ganyu nodded.

"Can you stand here while I change." Ganyu asked.

"Yeah I'll keep an eye out." She nodded and went to change. As soon as she was done you met up with the others. "So guys, we can't stay here, and I tried to open the latch, there's a lot of water out there, so I think we may have to swim out." You said. "Can we all do that?"

"Yes ma'am." Razor and Bennett said together.

"I'll go out first." You said and walked over to the ladder, climbing up again.

"Wait wait! The bags!" Ganyu said, running over to the room where the vending machines were. She brought back all of the bags, and Xiao took both his and yours, making sure his skateboard was still okay.

"Alright go Y/n, we'll follow." Xiao said. You nodded, and opened the latch. A bunch of water poured in, but this time you held onto the ladder, and jumped up into the water. You swam up to the surface, with the other four following right after. Razor closed the latch, and swam to the surface, taking a huge breath.

"Okay, Kano is that way, however, it's completely under water." You said.

"Are you sure??" Bennett asked.

"Have you never been to Kano?" Xiao asked.


"Kano is a marshy island, it barely had any elevation." You said, beginning to swim.

"So you're saying we have to swim to Syntheria??? We can't do that! It'll take us like ten years!" Bennett complained.

"Not if we take that!" Ganyu yelled and pointed.

"Wow, a speedboat conveniently abandoned for us." You said.

"Yup it's like the author of our story had no idea how to get us to Syntheria." Bennett said.

Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now