LOVE the Company

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Sorry for updating late.

There is so much going on in my life lately. I will not narrate it, to spare you guys the drama.


At the Medical Cafeteria

For two weeks now, every lunch time, you will see 10 of the most wanted guys eating while chatting, teasing and laughing with each other. You can just look. Boys and girls are always drooling over the 10 guys. Who wouldn't? They are all good looking. Handsome and cute.

You also can see Love in their eyes while looking at each others partners. As if you watching a classic love story from the movies. They know not to meddle with their affairs.

Beam's P.O.V.

Our lecturer extended her time. Because, she's not gonna come next week. We planned to go to the bar with our boyfriends. And we are running late. I sent a message to Forth that we're gonna be late and just go there first. We're just gonna follow.

When our lecture is done, me, Phana and Kit hurriedly tidy up our things and leave the classroom.

We are surprised to see Lam and Tul waiting for us at the parking lot.

"Hi Baby! Me and Tul volunteered to wait for you guys." Lamie said.

"That's very sweet of you Lam and Tul, but you forgot the article 1 code 1!" Phana with stern voice.

"You guys supposed to guard them! From bitches!" Kit said.

Lamie and Tul just scratch their non itchy head.

"It's okay guys, I think they learned their lessons, right? And I think we all of us need to claim them in public so no boys or girls dare to snatch them away from us. We have a handsome and hot partners. Who wouldn't want what we have?" I told my bestfriends.


"What if when we arrive they are drunk and have girls or boys in their laps?" Phana asked.

"Let's cross the bridge when we get there. Let's go." I said.

We left campus and go to the bar.

We enter the bar.

(A/N: Imagine this bar with a live band set up)

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(A/N: Imagine this bar with a live band set up)

This is a new bar. We saw our partners sitting in the vip lounge. Drinking and chatting. While walking towards them, we saw five girls with skimpy dresses approarching them. They didn't saw us. We come near them, concealing our presence.

"Hi guys! wanna have fun?" Girl #1 asked.

"Not interested!" Park answered.

"Why not?!" Girl #2 asked.

"Don't you boys find us beautiful?" Girl # 3 asked bravely. In fairness to them, they are beautiful. Pale skin, hot body, long curly hairs.

"No one can surpass the beauty that I own!" My man answered. Aw! I'm handsome not beautiful.

"Me too!" Ming, Wayo, Park and Max chorus.

I looked at Phana, Kit, Lam and Tul, their eyebrowse are raised. They also didn't like the word beautiful to describe them.

"How dare you insult us!!" Girl # 4 said.

"We didn't insult you. We just said that no one can surpass the beaty that we own. That is our opinion. So, sue us if you want." Max said with a stern voice.

"Who are you bragging about ha!? Didn't you know, we are the hotest girls in xxx university!?" Girl #5 angrily said.

I think that's our cue. We passed at them and sit beside our boyfriends and greet them with a peck in their lips.

"Hi Love!" We greet our boyfriends at the same time.

We looked at the girls, their jaw dropped. I know what they are thinking. They cannot believe their eyes. Five hot guys! Are taken! By a man!

Girl # 2 is the first one to recovered from her shock. She scoffed and said,
"Ha! You can directly say to us that you are gays! No need to insult us!"

"If loving a man is being gay. Yes we are gays." Wayo said.

"And look at our boyfriends, your looks can't be compared to them." Ming added.

The girls stomped their feet and left.

Forth's P.O.V.

I looked at Beam. Looking at his beautiful face. I looked into his eyes and saud, "Love, I love you." And pecked his lips.

He smiled, pecked my lips and hugged me. He whisper in my ears, "I love you too Love. And I'm not beautiful. I'm handsome!"

"Your not just handsome Love, you're also beautiful, cute at the same time." I whispered back.

He didn't answer. He just sighed.

I looked at our friends, they are all busy talking with each other. As if nothing happend. It's a good thing, the wives didn't make a fuss about the girls that approached us.

We kept drinking, moderately, just chatting, listening to the band. If you look at us from afar, you will not know that we are lovers. It's looke like a group of friends having fun.

I liked this kind of bonding, just chillin'. You know the feeling that your circle of friends is like your own brothers? Nothing to filter, you can tell anything to them. Except of course, about the private matters that's happening between you and your partner/lover.

I love their company...


Sorry for the short chapter.

I'll try to update again soon.

This has not proofread.

Sorry for the wrong grammar.

Please do vote and comment.

Keep safe everyone.

Thank you!


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