LOVE your Smile

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Phana and Kit pull Beam to go watch  the rehearsal of Moon and Star Competition. To meet their boyfriends.

They are sitting near at the entrance.
Then three girls came to their table.

"Ai' Pha, join us, were going watch a movie" said the girl #1.

"You can come to 'Ai Kit" said the girl #2

"You can bring your new friend too" said the girl #3

"No thank you, we are waiting for someone" Phana replied.

"And who are you waiting?!" Ask the brave girl #2.

"It's none of your business!!" Kit replied angrily.

The three girls gasped. But they didn't budge.

They come near to Phana, Kit and Beam and wrapped their arms to the three Ice Princes arms. But before they could hold the arms ot the three Princes they swatted their hands. The three girls gaped in disbelieve.

"Mind your hands girls!" Beam hissed at the brave girls.

"Your rude!" The third girl shout at the three  princes.

"You girls are the one who touched us  without our permission! How come we are the rude one?!" Beam asked her with cold stare and furrowed brows.

"That's not the right way to treat a girl!" The second girl replied.

They didn't know, other students are looking at them. Specially, the two guys, they start walking towards them with furrowed brows and deadly aura emitting from them.

 Specially, the two guys, they start walking towards them with furrowed brows and deadly aura emitting from them

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One is tall not muscled but well build, with a dark skin, handsome and scary at the same time.

While the other one is short with a pale skin and cute. But your can see his angry expression.

"What is the right way to treat a girl Phi's?" The tall guys ask them. With a hiss.

Phana's P.O.V

I becomes rigid when I heard the familiar voice. I looked at the guy that ask us. My face went pale when I saw my boyfriend with his bestfriend looking at us with stern faces.

"When touching someone else's boyfriend! And I don't like others touching what's mine!" The tall guy hissed again at the first girl.

"Me too! I don't like others touches mine! So Phi, if you value your hands keep your hands to yourself." The shorter one hissed at the second girl.

"Who are you to order me?! the second girl asked.

"I am Wayo Piniwat, Moon of Business Administration. Kit's boyfriend! Do you have a problem with that?!"

"And I'm Mingkwan Daichapanya! Moon of Engineer, Phana's boyfriend!"

The three girls looked at us
with bewildered faces.

Enough with the drama. Me and Kit need to calm our man. They will be sulking and will ignore us if we don't handle this handful girls. Kit and I shared a stare. And nod to each other. We know what to do.

We approach our boyfriend and pecked their lips. We know they are shocked by our gesture. It is the first time that we claimed each other in public. Same goes with Kit and Wayo.

"My Mingkwan is so hot! Claiming me in public like this." I whispered to Ming's ears. I can that he blushed. And he pouted.

"They are drooling over you. And I don't like it!" Ming said.

"Aw! I didn't entertain them. You saw that we are arguing right?" I gave him my best smile that he loves. And hold his waist and pull him close to me.

I know that people are staring at us. But I don't care. We are legal on both of our parents anyway.

He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "you really know how to get away huh? You just flash your smile on me, and you know I will surely melt huh?" And pecked my lips. I hold his nape and kissed him deeply. Ming is already fisting on my shirt. The supposedly brief kiss becomes a make out session.

Beam's P.O.V.

I am getting impatient with these girls. But what can I do, I can't physically hurt a girl.

I really want to push them from us. Suddenly, a good looking guy and a cute one approached us and claim my two bestfriends! I realized that its their boyfriends.

I'm shocked from their actions. They pecked their boyfriends lips. Pacifying their man.

I focused on Kit and his boyfriend named Wayo. They are so cute!

Kit cling his both arms to the neck of Wayo. And said, "I'm sorry Baby you need to witness that, I tried to get rid of them fast-"

"Not fast enough" Wayo said and pouted.

Kit smile at Wayo sweetly. And his dimples showed.

I know Wayo's anger melted with that smile and dimples. I will to if I'm angry.

Wayo pull Kit's waist closer to him.
"Stop showing your dimples Beb! I might eat you!" Wayo said and claimed Kit's lips. And it also turned into a make out session.

I looked at the three girls, they are astounded. They didn't expect the turned of events. I smirked at them. They just left without saying anything.

I turned my head to looked at my friends and their boyfriends. They are still kissing!

"You four are shameless!" I shout at them. They stop kissing and looked at me.  They scratch their nit itching head and smiled at me apologitically.

I just smiled back at them and laugh.

Seeing my bestfriend smile, happy with their boyfriends, there is nothing I can ask for.

Little did they know, there is a group of engineering gang looking at them from afar.

"I really love his smile. It's giving me a very warm feeling inside my heart...."


Sorry for the short chapter.

This has not proofread. Sorry for the wrong grammar.

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