Season 4 : D

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Jerome is dead and jeremiah has been sprayed with the insanity gas.

I walked into the gcpd, and straight to my desk, jeremiah has been dodging  me for the past few days so I didn't even bother to go and get coffee with him, so I went alone.

I sat down at my desk and began working, half way into a petty theft case, I hear a loud booming sound coming outside of the gcpd, detective Harvey ran outside so I followed, there was a massive explosion not so far from the station. I flicked the news on when I got back inside and the reporter was saying that Jim Gordon was feared dead, as he was in the area of the explosion. I felt hot tears run  down my cheeks, when I started to quietened down I hear an officer speaking to Harvey

"he wasn't there when it blew up because he's standing outside, and he's not alone" the officer said

I stood up and walked to Harvey
"who's outside? Is it Jim?"
"no, jeremiah valeska"

I walk outside, following close behind Harvey , jeremiah was standing in a long coat with a hat on his head, behind him was a miniature army, I presumed it was Jerome's old followers.

Jeremiah made eye contact with me, then turned to one of his men whispering something.

I walked back inside the gcpd and drank the rest of my coffee, I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned and saw the man jeremiah was speaking to a few moments ago 

"your coming with me, bosses orders"

"what? No"

I tried fighting but he pulled me away and out of the back of the gcpd, no one saw because they were all too busy listening to what jeremiah had to say.

The man took me to a van, he pushed me Into the back, tieing my hands and feet, then putting duct tape over my mouth.

I felt the floor rumble a bit before hearing crashing and screaming, next thing I know jeremiah is climbing into the same van I'm in and his followers following soon after, one of them hop in the front and start to drive somewhere.

Jeremiah sat next to me, he had his hand over my tied ones, and he was very focused on trying to make eye contact with me again.

He ripped off the tape that was over my mouth,
"have something to say, darling?"

I kept quiet, until he harshly grabbed the sides of my face, forcing my head to look his way.

"what do you want from me?"

He smiled  and softly rubbed my cheeks

"y/n, y/n, y/n, my dear y/n, all I want is your love and affection"

"Well, tough luck, cause you ain't getting nothing from me!" I spat at him

"tut, tut, tut, that is no way a lady should speak"
He slapped me across the face, but I sucked it up, I can't show that I'm weak. He slapped me again, this time, the other cheek, I Knew that there was already a hand print on my cheeks.

"Where's the tape!? Little y/n needs to learn her lesson," he turned to me not breaking eye contact, "to stay quiet, look pretty, and to speak when spoken to"

A follower handed him the tape, he cut some off and pressed it firmly on my lips, he leaned in and place a soft kiss on top of the tape, still close to my face he looked into my eyes,

"if you want to stay bruise-free I suppose you start doing as your told, I won't hurt you unless you break my rules,"
He cleared his throat
"rule number one, be polite
Number two, do as your told
Number three, you only listen to me, unless informed otherwise
Number four, no other relationships, your with me now,
Number five, no trying to escape, because it will be mutch worse than a slap, and if you manage to escape, then when I find you, you will be put in a box, and you will never come out of said box, okay honey? "

He said whilst still deeply looking into my eyes, I  nodded slowly showing I understand, in return he put his hand back on top of mine.

Finally, the van stopped running, jeremiah crossed his arm with mine and walked into the Manor, it looked abandoned, but clean, our surroundings were just a plain old wood, we had only been driving for twenty minutes so it mustn't be far from the gcpd.

He walked me to a room and pushed me in, I fell to the floor, when I turned around he was gone and the door was shut, I stood up and tried to open the door, but to no surprise, it was locked, I looked around the room, it has no windows, but it had a little kitchen space, a bathroom, a bedroom and a mini living room area, it was all themed purple and green, when I walked to the bedroom I looked inside the closet to find it was filled with my clothes and shoes, he knew what he was doing.

Looking deeper into the bedroom, the bed is at least king sized and has green silk sheets, and a big purple silk duvet.
I couldn't help myself it had been hours and I was really tired, so I climbed on top of the covers and fell into a blissful sleep.

When I woke up, I looked to the clock on the wall, I had slept through half the day.
I walk to the draws and grab out underwear, that's the only thing of mine he didn't take, instead he bought me new undergarments and pajamas all being relatively 'sexy'

All the underwear had lace and was either purple, green, red, or purple and green together. The pajamas were all made of silk, some long legged, some dresses, and some short sets.

I picked the decentest underwear and pajamas, then went to have a shower, seeming as it had already been hours, I bet it had been a full five days since the last time I saw him, his followers made sure to feed me by sliding food through the door.

Once I was out of the shower and in my pajamas I brushed my hair and teeth and went to hop into bed, but when I came out of the bathroom, jeremiah was sitting on the bed with his hands in his lap, waiting patiently.

"j-jeremiah? Is everything alright?"
He looked up at me and right away I could notice his black eye, he must of gotten into a fight,
"yes, my love, come, sit"
I knew he wanted me to sit on his lap, but he didn't hint towards it so I sat next to him on the bed
"the reason why I took you" he started
"was because I have liked you since you first stumbled in my maze, you were sweaty and messy, but you still managed to take my breath away, I knew you never loved me like that, but I sure did, and I'm hoping that now that you have moved in with me, our relationship can flourish, and maybe one day we can start a family of our own "

"j-jeremiah, w-what happened to your face? "

"it's fine dear,just got roughed up a bit, that's all,let us get some rest"

I thought he was leaving the room to go to his own one but he stood up and started taking off his clothes and getting into pajamas of his own,when I looked at him, it seemed as if he had a bullet wound on his right shoulder, I decided not to say anything about it, once he was in his pajamas he neatly folded his clothes and crawled next to me in the bed.

"goodnight y/n, have sweet dreams and remember, I love you"

"goodnight, j, sweet dreams"
I gently pecked his nose and rolled over, trying to sleep, with all the things that have happened to me today.

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