Season 3 : B

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I ran for at least an hour, my legs were turning to jelly, so stopped to rest, taking in my surroundings, I see a small, concrete building, intriguied I walk towards it, I tried the door, it opened straight away, signaling it was unlocked.
It looked like an underground maze, I walked through some hallways, walking onto some dead ends on the way, there seemed to be no rooms just a maze with one way in and one way out, trying to find my way back I walk into something, or should I say someone, it was Jerome, in a disguse, he was wearing a tidy suit with glasses, his firey red hair was combed back, if anything he looked civilised.

"gcpd! Your under arrest, Jerome valeska!"
I shouted pulling out my gun and badge

"no! I-I'm not Jerome! I'm his t-twin brother!"

"how do I know I can trust you?"

"I'm not crazy, I swear!"

I put my badge away but kept my gun by my side

"what's your name?"

"j-jeremiah v-valeska m-m-miss,"

"I don't like formalities, call me y/n"

"okay, y/n"

"so jeremiah, I'm guessing this is your hideout, you seem like your scared by Jerome and hide from him down here, therefore you must know your way out?"

"y-yes, how did you figure that out"

"I was trained by the best, the way out ?"

"ah, yes, this way, follow me"

Jeremiah took me through twists and turns, I looked at my watch, it was midnight, the charity ball was tonight, god bless Bruce Wayne.

My two-way radio buzzed, signaling that someone was trying to get to me, I turned it on;

"officer l/n, listening, over"

"l/n, its Gordon, we have a 10-54 at the charity party, suspected its Jerome, over"

10-54 - possible dead body

"10-20?, over"

10-20 - location

"(location), over"

"thanks, be there in 20, over"

With that I turned off my radio, jeremiah looked at me in confusion

"what was that?" he asked

"nothing, do you know how to get to (location)?"

"yeah, do you need a ride?"


Once we made our way out of the maze he took me to his car and drove me to the charity event.

Once I was out of his car I leaned my head in the window

"thanks for the ride, J"

"it's fine -"

As I was about to walk off...

" wait, y/n, can we meet again, like for dinner or something?"

"sure, mate, here is my work number"


"no need, bye"


I walked into the room and saw Jim

"hey, bud, am I clear?" I asked signaling to the other officers

"yeah, your clear"

I laughed lightly and patted his back

"so have you confirmed it to be Jerome?"

"yeah go take a look for yourself, I'll be over there in 10, just have to question a few people"


I walked over to what I thought was Jerome's lifeless body, I kneeled down and looked him in his eyes, there was a slight spark

"hiya, baby, you come to see me one last time?"
He croacked out

"nah, just come to see you dead"

"sorry to disappoint, hey y/n ?"

I looked to him to carry on

"I love you"

"that's nice, you gonna die now?"

"gotta make a scene, get Gordon over here for my last wish"
He whispered

"hey Gordon, come see this!" he ran over

"what's the problem, cadet?"

I pointed to Jerome

"see you soon, Gordon" Jerome chuckled

Theo walked over, a hint of betrayal in Jerome's eyes

"you said I was gonna be a -"
His breath hitched

"man down" I said checking his pulse

«back at gcpd, the next day »

The phone on my desk started ringing, so I picked it up and answered it

"gcpd, l/n speaking"

"hi, yeah, it's jeremiah"

"oh yeah"

"wanna meet up?"

"Well I'm heading to the coffee shop in 5 minutes so you can meet me there if you want"

"okay I'll be there"

And with that I put the phone down, grabbed my coat and started to make my way to the coffee shop

«at the coffee shop»

Jeremiah was already waiting outside the coffee shop when I got there.
"hi" I said he smiled and opened the door for me
When I got to the till I ordered my coffee ;
"coffee, black, two sugars please, are you getting anything?" I asked jeremiah
"the same please" he said
"and another one please" I said to the lady

"okay that'll be 4 dollars"

"okay, here you go" I said handing the lady five dollars

"thank you miss"

"your welcome"
I siad leaving the shop

"you shouldn't have bought my coffee" jeremiah said

"but I did, we are friends right?"

"yeah, I guess"

"Well then this is what friends do"

"o-okay" he replied

With that we said our goodbyes and I left back to another boring day of work

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