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The day went on like normal.
She was in her old chambers all day feeding.
She felt a deep hunger for something like war.
She knew something was coming.
She just didn't know what it was.
Caius came in with aro.
He looked at the blood painting the walls and floor.
Aro was scared of her, she was a vampire that contained so many abilities she could burn the vampire world to the ground if she was angry enough.
She was in the corner.
Aro saw her take her claws and scratching lines in her skin.
She cut herself every time she killed.
It was an old practice the first vampires did.
It gave the vampire great confidence to know that their bodies showed their little trophies.
She healed quick so it didn't take a long time for it to scar.
Caius smiled before getting a book sitting ok the couch in her chambers.
"Aro if you going to keep staring at me you can at least let me connect your ability to mine," said Juliet.
"I apologise, I'll get Heidi down here to clean," said aro.
"No need I always find a use for it," said Juliet.
"I see you paint with it.
There very beautiful" said aro.
"These things are the best things to help me keep my homicidal rage under control.
Something's coming, it's war or an event that will cause pain and suffering" said Juliet.
"You know that how?" said aro.
"I just do, aro please don't question me when I would never do the same to you," said Juliet.
She went over to her bathroom getting a black towel.

* Charlie's part*

He had been sleeping all day and working all night.
He was haunted by the hospital falling.
He knew he had nothing that could have stopped it and that Juliet was dead anyway but that didn't stop him from blaming himself.
Bella started living with the Cullen's as she couldn't stay home.
Ever since the ball julliet terrified her.
She couldn't be home right now without protection from Jacob and Edward.
Charlie came home from another hard shift looking upstairs and the dark obis it was.
He slowly walked upstairs.
He went into Juliet's old room.
He picked up the form that started all this.
He took a lighter burning it as tears rolled down his face.
He looked at the bed still not maid and the countless medications still sitting there.
He opened the top draw of her dresser picking up the vape that she lied about.
He laughed at the machine.
He held it in his hands as the memories played in his head.
He remembered coming into her room on her 15th birthday.
She was in tears.
She called mom and she screamed at her saying how much she was 'bothering' her.
He remembered hugging her tight.
He knew at that moment her life changed and it wasn't a good change.
She got into drinking and smoking all because of his ex-wife.
All the brutal tears she shed in this room was countless.
He sat on her bed.
He had to calm her phone.
What he didn't know is it was still in her chambers.

*Juliet's story*

She was talking to aro when her phone rang.
She saw it was from Charlie and told the guys to be quiet.
"Hello, julliet,
I know you can't hear me as this number was disconnected.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I allowed mom and Bella to bully you.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to take you to rehab and the many doctor's appointments.
I knew you had cancer but instead of telling you, I let you suffer and now just when I need you the most your gone.
Bella won't stay home and is constantly with Edward.
I know that if you were here you would be dragging her home by the hair because I know you truly hated Edward.
Jacob comes over as he tries to take care of me.
I have to confess, I lied.
I miss you brittle demon, I miss how brutally honest you were because I need that right now.
I work off might and sleep all day or attempt to sleep.
I feel like I'm a damn vampire not like you would agree.
I remember you used to be so creepy when you were little but I loved that about you.
I miss you batty and I know that if you were here you would punch me for that but as your not here I guess it can.
I'm sorry they made you suffer to the point you had to commit suicide.
I should have listened when you told me they weren't helping you.
I'm probably just repeating myself now but there are so many things I wish I could have changed.
I hated how when Bella went into a relationship with Edward you had to watch them be happy.
I have that they pushed it in your face and that I could have helped you find your reward even though I wouldn't have done that because you had your eyes on really horrible guys that had a criminal record and as a cop, I guess I may have been a bit harsh on you.
Mabey you met a guy in heaven who treated you like a queen and not an evil girl.
Which your not, and even if you were you pulled it off so well that it was hard for me to catch you smoking weed or drinking in the house.
I still will never know how you did that.
*charlie laughs*.
You weren't we're everything that I needed, ella was too worked up with love and her second family to care about your old man.
I have to say Bella took all your clothes.
She said there were fit charity buy that girl cannot lie so I knew she just took it.
I know that your most likely going to haunt her now for that.
Life's getting a bit more strange because cells called me a month ago saying she saw you at a ball with some guy that couldn't I guess keep his hands off your body.
She kept saying you were a monster and I truly don't know what to do with that girl.
She just screamed at me telling me that you kept threading her and that you were a vampire.
She's scarring me and Jacob is truly scarred of her for something.
She truly believes your alive and I guess it's a way to cope.
Jacob just got here.
Jacob do you want to talk to a phone that isn't even on right now" said Charlie.
"Hello, beauty, I have good news your sisters the loony one now not you.
Wow, the times turn" says Jacob.
"Jacob do not call my daughters crazy, well I'm going to end this.
I'm glad you are in peace now" said Charlie as the message ended.
Venom ran down her face burning her skin as it cracked under them.
Caius held her tight.
She signed as she heard Charlie's broken voice.
Bella broke him.
"I could kill that bitch of a sister" said julliet rage filling her eyes as they went black.
"Shh, it's ok darling.
Once Bella breaks another law we can start a war and kill them both" said Caius.
"I can't, my father.
I can't leave him with nothing Caius" said julliet.
She looked at the phone.
"I just want to tell him I'm here.
I just know I would kill him the minute he touched me.
Bella's fucking right I'm a monster.
I destroy everything I touch no matter how I live my father will always feel this pain.
I can't leave him alone" said julliet.
"Ok," said Caius.
"Your not a monster Bellezza dotata.
I know it's hard but he's better knowing his daughters dead than like this.
No father it mother wants their child to feel the constant mental pull you do.
I know that I may never be fully ok with you alive here but I know that you are just a girl that died in the right way.
Mabey one day you can tell him I love you one last time" said aro.
She looked at him.
"I don't mean to scare you, I can't choose the parts of my that are more feral than a normal vampire.
But I wish to get to know you" said julliet smiling at him as Caius kissed her.
"I'm going to talk to Jacob, I need him to know that I'm ok.
Mabey then he could help my father" said julliet.
"I'll get parchment and a writing set sent to my chambers my rose.
Just be vague he's a moonchild and I know you hate their kind," said Caius.

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