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They spent weeks planning.
Julliet had never been so useful.
She was feared not used.
Aro had her search for the gifts their army had and if Alice would be there.
Alice knew she was searching for her so she closed her mind along with Jasper.
He was frustrated because aro would not let her breathe.
She barely saw Caius alone and it was bothering her.
She sat on Caius throne watching them have planning sessions.
She read and watched Caius.
"Julliet come over here please," said aro.
She sped ran to him.
"Can you tell us where they're coming from?" said aro.
She focused on the map grabbing a knife and stabbed the map.
She ran to get a blood bag getting back a second after.
She opened it she dipped her claw in it making a plan.
She then took the bag and sat back down and drank it.
Weeks later.
The army went to leave.
Caius kissed her and held her tightly.
"I love you darling" said caius.
"I love you eternally.
Stay safe and don't start a war if it's not needed.
I can't lose you darling" said Julliet.
She held his hand with her engagement ring.
"Dont make me a widow before our wedding," said Julliet.
He kissed her.
"I'll see you tomorrow darling, I love you," said Caius.
She watched the doors close.
She stayed in the throne room tourists could still come in.
She stayed there day and night.
She cleaned up and organised the books.
She made each one look like new.
She fed on the tourists and killed a lot of them to save for the days Bianca didn't bring any.
She spent her days doing anything to distract herself.
The day came and the vision started.
She was in the throne room as her head started to burn.
She collapsed on the floor.
Suddenly she saw Caius and his head being ripped off.
She started to let out a horrible scream as she dug her nails into the floor.
She wanted it to stop but the memory kept happening.
Bianca came in with mail when she stopped.
Julliet stood up.
Her eyes were fully red, her claws were sharper than daggers, her hair was messy, her fangs were large and sharp each one was like her claws and her mind went into full killer mode.
Usually, Caius was there but she had no idea if this was a vision it not.
Suddenly she disappeared.
She looked around then something grabbed her causing her to scream.
She saw her face before feeling the sharp fangs drain her body as Julliet dropped her.
She fell to the ground roaring as she smelt the tourists.
As no one was in the castle she killed every human in the castle.
Her roar and the screams filled the castle.
There were parts and dead men and women everywhere.
Blood spread all over.
The army came back when they saw a vampire come out.
He went to aro.
"She went crazy aro read my thoughts now," said the vampire.
Aro grabbed his hand as saw everything.
He went up the stairs as the vampire was dragged in.
They went in to see him in the fireplace ripped apart.
Caius, aro and Jarvis went to find her.
Jane, Felix, alec and Demetri went searching as well.
Jane and Demetri went into the throne room.
They saw her feeding on the last of the humans.
They froze.
She looked at them blood-covered her body.
They started running as she vastly caught up.
Felix was with aro and Caius as Marcus went to the gardens.
Jane came running in.
"FELIXXXXX," said jane.
They saw her crawling running.
Felix grabbed her and she stabbed him.
She laughed as he screamed.
Caius held her cheeks.
Aro knew she knew about the vision.
"Brother she thinks your dead," said aro.
Suddenly she was gone.
Felix was on the ground.
His skin was cracked enough to let her go.
Caius knew she would be in his chamber so he ran there.
He saw her in a hall scream crying.

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