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He raised an eyebrow when he looked at everyone's faces. "What?"

"Your wish... is yours... to keep," said Nadakhan. Whether he was hesitating because of the venom or the wish itself, he couldn't tell.

Suddenly, the ground started to tremble.

"Jay? What did you do?" Kai told him, taking a step back.

"I... I don't know."

Behind the door, a portal opened.

Puzzled, they backed up, only for someone to step out.

Despite her ghostly form, her features were clear.

It was almost frightening how much they looked alike.

"Nadakhan?" she said, walking around the area. Suddenly, a grin cracked on her face. "You did it. You really did it... You brought me back."

Hesitantly, he turned to face her, slowly standing up. "Delara, it's... it's not what it looks like."

"I knew my gut was right. Letting you live instead of me... I knew you'd come back for me eventually."

"Letting me... live?"

"During the storm. We both knew someone had to stay behind with the ship. And it finally paid off."

Before he could react, she wrapped her arms around him. "I've missed you so much, love."

Everyone stayed silent.

When she pulled away, she looked at the two behind him.

Locking eyes with Nya, she gasped.

"You... Your dress..." She turned back to Nadakhan. "Did you..."

"He lent it to me for my wedding," Nya stepped towards her with a small smile, squeezing Jay's hand. "He felt like it was only appropriate since we look alike and all."

She eyed Nadakhan knowingly before continuing. "He told us he had no reason for it now because he could never marry anyone else."

"Enough with the lies," Nadakhan said, his look one of shame as he turned to face his love. "Delara, I... I haven't been entirely honest with you. I've made a mistake."

She caressed his cheek. "Mistakes happen, dear," she told him, stepping closer towards the portal. "But are you willing to make up for them?"

He paused. "I..." he bit his lip. "I'll do my best."

As he floated towards the portal, a voice stopped him.

"Captain, what about the crew?" Flintlocke told him. Delara, however, didn't seem to acknowledge his presence.

Nadakhan looked at Soto, cracking the slightest of smiles. "I'll leave you in better hands."

Taking his love's hand, she was the first one to step in.

Looking at the two newlyweds behind him one last time, he turned away, floating in himself.

The portal closed.

"Well, that happened," Kai said.

"We have approximately 26 minutes to exit the island before it falls," said Zane.

After a brief pause, Soto spoke. "You heard the tin man, crew! Abort the island!"

As he gestured towards the door, he led the pirates outside one by one. All but one left.

"U-Um, you aren't married by N-N-Ninjago law, if you were worried about t-that," Clancee told the pair. "B-but Djinn law h-has a way of d-divorce as well."

"I do." | Jaya S6 Alternate Ending [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now