4: Pop Quiz

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POV: Narrator

Seth sat there watching girls get thrown into the air.

Seth Thinking: How do people even do that stuff? My head hurts just looking at this. Hmm, this is taking a lot of time out of my day. There was supposed to be an event in my game today. I hope it will still be going on when this is over.

The crowd cheers with the girls. Once the girls land, the sea of people get up and clap for them.

Seth: Oh is it over?

Tyler: No they just finished one.

Seth: How much longer?

Cameron: About 45 more minutes.

Seth: Ahh fuck.


Emma lands on the ground and looks to the crowd. They all get up and clap for them. She looks through the people and spots Seth standing with the rest of the group, not clapping.

Emma Thinking: Why isn't he clapping!?  I'm trying my hardest here. He must know a lot about this stuff. I must be doing something wrong that he's spotting. I need to do everything flawlessly.

Seth Thinking: Man if that events over and I didn't play then that means I lost all that EXP. Damn I'm also hungry.

Seth: Guys, I think I'm going to die if I don't eat something.

Cole: We can eat after ok.

Cameron: Yea there's a place a block away we can eat at.

Time Skip: 43 Minutes

The last flip landed and the crowd cheers louder then ever before. Seth came to the conclusion that it was over and started clapping as well.

Seth: Can we eat now?

Cameron: Sure.


Emma stands there breathing heavily.

Emma Thinking: Jeez, that was a lot. I'm tired, but it's worth it because he's clapping so I guess I did good.

Jenni: Wow Emma, you really were great.

Britney: Were you trying to impress someone?

Emma: What, no. You're supposed to act like this is the real thing. Were you guys trying?

Jenni: Well yea but not as hard as you.

Britney: Come on let's go.

The crowd of people started to leave as the girls started to pack things up.

Seth: Why aren't we leaving?

Tyler: Everyone else is going so we'll wait for everyone else to be gone.

Cole: That was some show.

Cameron: Yea Emma was amazing.

Tyler: She always is.

Cole: How about it Seth, impressive no?

Seth: Yea it was. Can't imagine me doing it.

Cameron: You had your headphones in the whole time.

Seth: Doesn't mean I wasn't watching.

5 minutes later the bleachers were cleared. The four boys got up and started to walk down.

Tyler: So you guys want to eat?

Seth: YES!

Cole: Sure.

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