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To be honest, when Akaashi finally meet Kuroo and Kenma they were not what he expected and the longer they hung out Akaashi saw that look in their eyes, that look that almost everyone who talks to Bokuto has a love-struck look and if you paid close attention you could even see how Bokuto's cheeks heated up when he was complimented by one of the three boys. They were now in a small cafe and when Bokuto left to the bathroom everyone in the room could sense the tension between the boys

A: You like Bokuto don't you a small smirk formed on Akaashi's lips 

KT: Yeah, and so do you so does Kenma but I'll let you know now Bokuto will become our boyfriend Kenma simply looked up from his game and nodded, Akaashi's eyes widened did he just say our 

A: Our?

KT: Yeah, me and Kenma he will become our boyfriend 

KK: It's called polyamorous arent you suppose to be smart?

Akaashi just stood there dumbstruck that was allowed, he never heard about it before he was confused and yet a small part wanted to be part of the relationship but would they accept him?

KK: You want to join us don't you 

Akaashi was yet again dumbstruck was he a mind reader or something 

KK: I am not a mind reader your eyes are just easy to read   

A: If I...I wanted to join would you let me 

KT: We would like to spend more time together and see how does that sound?

A small smile appeared in Akaashi's lips "yeah that sounds good" the other two smile it was clear now Bokuto was going to become theirs, they just had to wait a little that was until 

"Hey let go of me!"

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