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Welcome in

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Mikasa points to the door where Erwin is standing.

"Erwin how'd it go!" I ask eagerly.

He looks down at his feet and balls his fists. Taking a deep breath He looks up at the three of us. "He didn't make it, we tried everything we could."

Everything went silent, it's like my hearing went away. I can see Levi yelling at Erwin and Mikasa screaming with tears streaming down her face but I can't hear them. It's like everything is moving in fast forward and slow motion at the same time.

This is fake

This is fake

Please be fake

I feel like my heart just got ripped out of my chest and stepped on. This isn't how it was supposed to go. I feel a massive amount of tears come from my eyes as I bury my head into my knees.

The sun that filled the room just a few minutes ago is gone. The room is cold and dark now.

My whole life is gone.

"You're all gonna die and then I'll be alone."

Why was I always right? For once couldn't I have been wrong?

I so badly want Eren to say "I told you so."


I couldn't tell them. I cannot look at their faces right now. Especially not Armin's.

I walk out to the garden and stare at the spot they all used to sit together. There are 8 freshly made flower crowns sitting in each of their spots. I fall down onto my knees with my hands on the rough ground. I let out a long yell of agony letting all my feelings out.

"I'm sorry guys." I say shakily.


"Hey Eren, welcome."

"Historia?" I rub my eyes and stare at the blonde girl infront of me.

"But you're-"

"Dead? We're all dead." Ymir says from the side of the room.

I'm dead?


Please no.

"But Armin." My body starts to shake, I try to stand up but end up falling. Tears fall from my eyes as everything sets in my brain.

Historia sits next to me and engulfs me in a tight hug. "I want to go back!" I scream. "I'm not ready to leave him."

"I know." Historia replies sweetly.

A door opens letting in multiple people into the bright white room. I look up and see them.




"And Sahsa!"

Marco isn't supposed to be here.

They all join Historia in hugging me on the ground, even Ymir joins.

I have so many regrets...so many things I should have said. I just want five more minutes. To thank Hange and Erwin, to say goodbye to Mikasa and Levi, to tell Armin...

"I love you."

He was my light.

Just five more minutes.



A month later

"Armin who are you talking to?" Hange asks from my doorframe.

"Eren." I smile and point to Eren who is sitting infront of me.

"Armin he's not there." They sigh and sit next to me on my bed.

"Of course he is." My eyes start to water as I look at Eren. "I know he's not there...but I just can't let him go."

"I know."

After Eren died Hange quit their job, it was just too hard to walk by their old rooms and that space behind the door. I ended up getting that job at barnes and noble but I didn't go so I'm pretty sure I lost it.

Mr.Whiskers never leaves my side anymore. I think he somehow knows what happened.

It hurts, it hurts a lot.

I'll never forget him. I probably won't ever get over him either.  "I love you Armin." Eren says before he disappears out of thin air.

"I love you too." I whisper.

A/n kept this chapter short cause I'm in pain

Also remember to go put your after reaction

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