Chapter twelve

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Welcome in

Welcome in

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I'm excited for Armin to get here, It's been two days since he went home with Hange. I have big news and I can't wait to tell him.

"Eren calm down you look crazy." Ymir writes down on her whiteboard since she can't talk.

"Ymir leave him alone he's in love." Historia says.

"I am not!"

Ymir smirks then erases her last message and writes a new one. "Liar. Even Connie knows you're a simp and his brain is fucked up."

"Ymir!" Historia yells. Ymir laughs although no sound comes out.

"At least I'm not on my death bed." I say jokingly and cross my arms.

"That was way too out of pocket Eren." Ymir writes and then looks over to Historia who is basically dying of laughter.

"Sorry! Its was funny." She yells as Ymir glares at her.

The door opens revealing Hange and Armin. Armin is holding...a cat? "Guess who's back!" Hange cheers.

"Hange you're gonna wake Mr.Whiskers." Armin shushes her.

"Armin why do you have a cat?" I ask.

"Cause it's my cat, Hange found it."

In the span of two days out of this hospital he got a cat. It's cute, I just don't really like cats. But if Armin's happy I'm happy.

"Are cats even allowed in here?" Ymir writes.

"They are if you tell them it's for emotional support." Hange replies while brightly smiling.

"Ok breezing past that. Armin, I have big news."

Armin looks at me skeptically while petting his cat. "Yes?....what is it?"

"I'm getting a heart!"



Mr.Whiskers jumps a little at my yelling. My heart starts beating quickly.

He's getting a heart.

He's going to live.

"Yes! My plan worked!" Hange cheers as they spin around a few times.

"What plan?" I ask.

"Shhh nothing, I did nothing illegal and everything is fine."

"Yeah...sure...Anyways, Eren when's your surgery?"

"A week."

That's not a long time for me to mentally prepare. But I am happy, more then happy. I'm ecstatic, if there weren't so many people in here I probably would've ran into his arms.

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