🗡 Anythin' fer ye~! | Conductor x reader

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It was getting late and I was walking the streets of Feathered Falls. A soft summer breeze played with my hair and a hum left my lips as I walked. Enjoying the evening. Oblivious to the figure stalking me.

A gray hawk walked in my direction, bumping into me on purpose. I turned back and asked: "Hey, what was that for?" "Fun," the hawk said, chuckling: "Weak little hoe..." as he walked on. I gritted my teeth, but turned to walk away as well.

Meanwhile, the hooded figure passed by the hawk next to the entrance to a small alleyway. Not wasting any time, he pushed him into the alley and forced his beak open, inserting a needle beneath his tongue and a green glimmering liquid in his system. The hawk pushed him off and tried to run out of the alleyway. However, he soon started to wobble on his legs and slump to the ground. Instead of a powerful cry for help, a hoarse shriek left his throat. The hooded figure grinned.

"Ye will be fun ta torture..."


"Con!" The bird turned around to see a very familiar woman running to catch up to the already leaving train. He chuckled and walked to the ladder, holding out his hand. With a last shot of power, I took it, planted my feet on the ground and jumped, landing with one feet on the ladder. The feeling of my hand in his set off a spark in his brain, as his eyes blazed maliciously for a moment. He quickly hid it and smiled a charming smile, when my eyes met his. Those stunning (e/c) orbs would never be tainted. Never.

"Did ye sleep in late again? Went home 'round 10?" he asked, still grinning like a bird brain. I climbed up and set foot on the caboose, scratching my neck in embarrassment: "Maaaybe..? How did you know?" His face immediately paled and I rose a brow. Why did he get so nervous all of a sudden? "Ah jus' took a lucky guess! Heh, ah know ye too well..!" was his response, making me even more suspicious. "Well, that's fine... Also, I have a favour to ask of you." His paled face got it's color back and he looked at me with a questioning gaze. "Well, I'm in the middle of renovations for my house and they're doing my bedroom right now... So um... Could I maybe crash at your place tonight..?" He smiled in disbelief and instantly answered: "S-Sure lass! Anytime!"

I smiled; "Great! See you tonight then!" and walked into the Express, leaving a grinning Conductor behind. This was perfect. He could finally spend the night with his true love... But first, he had a distraction to take care of...

As he came home, the only things he took from his nightstand were his not-so-rubber knife and his not-so-fake gun. That hawk wouldn't tell the difference anyways.

Going down into the basement, he pulled open the door to the small chamber he kept the guy in: "Guess who's baaack~!" The figure diminished in his seat, rapidly shaking his head. Conductor grinned. He was scared of the director. Good, he should be. Walking into the light, he slightly kneeled before his prey and inspected the wounds he'd made the night before. "Ye finally willin' ta talk?" The hawk frantically shook his head and Conductor frowned, drawing the knife from his belt. Slowly, the cold blade carressed his prey's warm skin. "You're... You're stone-cold crazy!" the man shouted, fearful of the blade on his neck.

Conductor simply grinned: "Crazy fer 'er, yes..." and slit his throat in cold blood. Watching the scene before him, he froze by the very familiar voice behind him.

"Lassie... I can explain, I-!"

I leaned against the doorframe as I secretly admired the sight of the crazed bird before me: "You better do... Shall we go upstairs?" He nodded silently and led the way to the kitchen, washing the bloodstains off his feathers. He then turned to face me: "Where do ye want me ta start..?" "At the beginning," I answered dryly. He chuckled softly at my usual straightforward attitude and spoke: "Ah hav' always been like this, (Y/N). A killer with nae heart. Never thought ah'd git better. Then ye came along. Ah suppose ah always called ye th' woman o' me dreams."

I smiled and blushed slightly at his caring gaze towards me, before he continued: "Soon, ah found meself growin' more at ease when ye were aroond. Ye somehow satisfied me desires ta kill. Calmed 'em, so ta speak. But whenever 'nother man came aroond, ah felt th' rush again. Th' thrill of torturin' and killin', but this time..." His voice turned from crazy and dangerous into caring and honest: "...it was all fer you! Ah'd do anythin' not ta let me dove be tainted!" I was silent, walked at him and gave him a hug. His breath caught in his throat by the feeling of my skin on his feathers and the silent breaths leaving my mouth. Then, he smiled blissfully and slowly laid his arms around my waist, with his head resting on mine.

His true love. Just like he always wanted.

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