😁🎵Light to darkness | DJ Grooves × Rockstar!reader

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Since I haven't gotten any requests yet, I'm doing another of my own idea's. Conductor is a good friend of yours and has lended you a space in DBS to practice for an upcoming concert. You're practicing one of your favorite songs in the soundproof Wowl repetition hall, when Grooves passes by. He hears you play and is immediately hooked, as you two start to talk.

"Thanks for lending me some space, Con." "Nae a problem, Lad/Lass. Ah'll leave ye to it." I smiled as the unique owl director left the repetition room he brought me to. We'd known each other for years, two peas in a pod, always found together in middle school. I stuck up for him, as did he for me. We laughed like sunshine and cried tears invisible to others. One of the only ones he was comfortable being vulnerable around. He had soon told me about his ambitions to become a director and win the Annual Bird Movie Awards someday and I supported him. Therefore it was no doubt that, when I told him my dream of becoming a rock star, he had my back too.

So when I was just done with a tour and was looking for a space in Feathered Falls, where Conductor currently lived and worked, it was only reasonable for him to lend me his famous band's rehearsal chamber. I'd brought my stuff over, while he lectured me on the pinguïns in the studio and some dude named 'Grooves' who he really wanted me to stay away from. I listened. Not like I had another choice. Besides, Conductor continuously rambling about him has got me curious to what the guy was really like. "Shouldn't be thinking about that now... Let's set this up." I plugged my guitar into a speaker and played a few chords. They popped off like small bubbles would a glass of champagne. I smiled gleefully and searched for the instrumentals to the song I was gonna play on my phone.

I had somehow always loved this song. I don't know, it just spoke to me or something along those lines. I started playing and sung the lyrics. With my fingers flying over the strings, I was in my element. This had been my coping mechanism of sorts, to get through stress and sadness. This got my blood pumping in the morning and calmed me down at ni-.

A soft cough had caught my attention. I kept playing and eyed the silhouette of an adult penguin in the doorway. This one was quite a bit taller and... broader... than the ones I had seen at the reception. He had an afro and wore a pair of star-shaped black sunglasses, a flashy red jacket, a jeans and a pair of red platform shoes. He fitted Conductor's description to the word. 'This must be Grooves,' I thought as I continued playing. He noticed I was already aware of his presence. Quite complicated to miss it after all. After playing the last chords, I ended my practicing and stood up; "You like rock?" "Usually not, darling, but I couldn't help marvelling at such a powerful voice," he responded. I nodded in understanding. He asked; "You must be the Conductor's rockstar friend?" Again, a subtle nod from my side; "We've been friends for a long time and somehow stayed close throughout our careers." "That's quite nice to hear, darling. Say, do you like musicals by any chance?"

Grooves and I ended up talking for half the evening, until we had to part ways. "Will I see you here more often around this time, darling?" he asked, smiling as he shifted his shades a bit further towards his eyes. "Probably. Conductor asked me not to practice when the two of you are on set, so I'll usually be in around 5 PM, 6 maybe." His smile got a little bigger and he answered; "Wonderful, darling! I will be going now, but I will see you tomorrow. Ta-ta!" He walked off and left me with a small grin on my face.

I was positive Conductor wasn't entirely right about this guy being obnoxious. We would surely get along swimmingly.



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