Prolouge: The Banishment of Magic

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I do not own Heroes of Olympus it belongs to our King Rick Riordan
The young girl ran through the forest, leaping over fallen logs and ducking under low hanging branches. She didn't stop once running into the dark.
Voices drifted through the trees. "Come back" they pleaded. "We won't hurt you" they said. Lies, the girl knew they were lying. And so she ran, faster than she ever had run before.
Suddenly she broke through the trees into a clearing. The ground was flat and all movement was visible. If she ran they would see her and follow her, but if she stayed they would find her eventually. If she ran she had a better chance of escape. So she ran even faster than before.
"There she is, get her before she escapes". The men cried. She could hear them behind her and she sobbed, pressing forward. She was almost there, she could see the line of trees and the mountains behind it. She was five, four, three, meters from the trees.
In a flash of lightning three hooded figures appeared in front of her and she collapsed to her knees. "Give us the talisman child" they spoke in unison.
She sobbed and fumbled inside of her cloak. Swaying from a cord of pure gold was a circular amulet. In the center was a gem swirling with color. She held it out to them. "Take it, please. Keep it safe". The first figure snatched the amulet and tucked it into her coat.
The third one spoke. "And the child, where is the child".
The girl sobbed and bowed before the figures. "I hid the child in the forest, tucked in the roots of a willow tree". The three figures disappeared and the girl climbed to her feet. But she knew it was no use. They had surrounded her. "Where is the amulet, where is the child".
She scowled at the men. "The amulet is protected under lock and key. The child is safe and free" she chanted.
The man who had spoken scowled. "Burn the witch, burn the whole forest to the ground".
The girl lunged at him. "No, there are innocent people in the forest, don't hurt them".
The man spat at her. "You should of thought if that before you ran through their forest". He turned to the other men. "Start the fire, I want this forest gone before dawn". The men nodded and set to work.
The man stepped forward and spoke to the girl as the men tied her to the pyre. "Do you, Hecate, plead innocent or guilty to the crime of killing the king, murdering the people of the half woods, stealing the amulet of the crown, and kidnapping the heir to the throne?".
She glared at him. "Innocent to all but the first one. Do you, Lord Kronos, plead innocent or guilty to the crime of lying to, stealing from, scandaling, murdering, kidnapping, assassinating, and abusing the innocent".
Kronos chuckled. "I would have to say". He glanced at the men around him and grinned. "Guilty".
Hecate grinned. "Guilty as charged". She began to chant an ancient song and the wind stopped moving.
Kronos scowled at the man next to him. "Now, kill her now". The man thrust the torch at the kindling and it set fire. "You have lost Hecate, give up now".
Hecate shook her head. "I have not lost". Her teeth were clenched and her skin was turning red in the heat.
Kronos glared at her. "You are dying. I'd say you lost".
Hecate smirked. "But the magic of this land is not, you have only succeeded in killing me and banishing it. But I am not the only one who can wield it. It will return one day. And you will not be able to stop it". Kronos paled as she burned away
"Sir," one of the men spoke, "what shall we do?"
Kronos glared at him. "Prepare for the return of magic, she may be telling the truth". With that Princess Thalia jerked awake, screaming.
Whoa, how's that for the first chapter. This is my first ever Wattpad story. If it's bad it will get better. I will try to update at least once a week.

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