Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Start from the beginning

"Miss you, gramps," you whispered, "more then you could ever imagine."

You could picture his response as if he were sitting in the passenger's seat with you.

I'm everywhere, sweetheart. I'm in the music you hear, the shop that you're running, and in your heart. I'm not going anywhere.
A few missed turns and one mental breakdown later, you finally arrived at Ali's house in Encino Hills. Before you could even knock, the girls swung the door open and invited you inside.

The three of you talked about your days and got comfortable on the couch. After one conversation, you quickly picked up on Susan's dry sense of humor. She would certainly be the one in the group to tell you like it was. You liked that about her.

Ali eventually made some popcorn and brought it out to the living room. Popping the VHS in the VCR, she giggled excitedly.

"You're going to love this movie!" She directed toward you.

The other girls agreed just in time for the opening credits to roll. Your ears couldn't help but tingle at the sound of such soothing music playing in background. The movie hadn't even started and you were already hooked.

A few scenes in and you understood why Ali had called you by the name of Cherry Valance at the start of the school day. Just as she had said, Cherry threw her Coca-Cola on Dallas Winston. You watched intently as the scene unfolded.

"Maybe that will cool you off Greaser, when you learn to talk and act decent, I might cool off too!" Cherry yelled.

Instead of retaliating, Dallas pushed her farther into annoyance as he wiped the drink from his face and leaned forward to grab her. "Fiery huh? Just the way I like em."

"Get off of me!"

"Come on." He pleaded.


You watched as the quiet kid in the second row, who you collected was named Johnny, stood up and defended Cherry Valance.

"Look, leave her alone Dal."

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Ali lean forward. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed.

You and the others looked to her in confusion. "What is it, Ali?" Barbara asked.

"Johnny Cade looks just like, Daniel! Don't you think?"

The three of you followed Ali's gaze back to the movie. You tilted your head, examining this Johnny character intently.

"I don't see it." Susan said flatly.

"I mean..." you began, "I can kind of see it."

"Yeah, he has very similar facial features," Barbara observed, "but I wouldn't say they could pass for the same person."

Ali leaned back, still keeping her eyes glued to the television, "yeah I guess you're right."

She sighed and began to play with a tassel on the pillow she was holding in her lap. It seemed as though she was having an internal battle, wrestling with her thoughts.

"Speaking of Johnny and Daniel..."

"Oh here we go." Susan rolled her eyes.

"I'm really worried you guys," she looked between the three of you, "how do you think Johnny is going to take it when he finds out I like Daniel?"

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