THE WANGS.They have been stealing our stocks for the past few months.Our amount of weapons have been decreasing in a huge amount.We were all having difficult time in finding who was behind that and when we found it,No one is gonna end up alive.  

We are now at the port waiting for his stocks to arrive.RM found out that Mr.Wang will be here today.PERFECT.We are all in our positions.They are all ready to attack at my command.I can see my men with their guns and weapons.

There he is.WANG.He is collecting his stocks happily not knowing that his death is near.POOR HIM.Now they are all dividing going to different directions.It's TIME.


That's what they all needed.I can hear the sound of shootings and screams.Bloods splattering all around.I am running behind Wang who is trying to escape.CAUGHT.Rm caught him.Usually he won't be there for a attack but now he is here,He is being helpful.I feel Happy.

He made him kneel before me.I can feel the proud smirk forming on the corner of my lips.

"Where are my weapons?"

"I don't know,Please don't kill me please..." I love seeing people begging for their life in front me.

"Last chance,Tell me!!" I said showing no emotions.

"I really don't kn-"


Mr.Wang fell to my leg covered in blood.I put the bullet right at his head.Die fellow!!!

I hate people who LIE.I gave him a chance so I won't take over his place by making him say where my stocks are,even though I knew it..But he lied!!!Now everything that belongs to him is MINE.

I can see my men coming proudly after our Attack.We were planning this for a while.

"We need to celebrate this." Jackson said and everyone else agreed.

"Let's GO"

I am not going to spend this day without alcohol and dance...



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Hobi's POV

We are now drinking so hard like there is no tomorrow.Even tho I can't take alcohol like Jin and Jimin,Today I was doing great.When I heard Jimin was attacked again,I was the one who suggested to have a Bodyguard for him.So,Now he is really angry at me.

"Why did you do that?" He asked pouting angrily at me.

"I swear Jiminah It's for your own good and I can't see my baby brother getting attacked again!!"

"Jinnie hyunggg..." He whined looking at Jin.

"C'mon baby,Let's dance today and forget about it.We can talk about it tomorrow." Awww My Jinnie.He is so precious.I can't believe he had to go through so much.

"Coming Hobiah?" 

"No,You guys go ahead." They went to the dance stage.I am not in the mood for a dance today as I have to find who attacked him again!!!

No One's POV

Jin and Jimin were dancing without caring about the world.They were dancing so passionately that they didn't notice the two people staring at them.After dancing for 15minutes which they felt like 15hours Jimin decided to go for a drink leaving Jin all alone to dance.

Jimin's POV

I decided to go for a french martini this time.I am really enjoying here tonight,Jin hyung and Hobi hyung are the great blessings of my life.Without them I would have gone mad by now.

"French Martini.....Great choice." I turned to see Jungkook there.


"Hi there to you too."

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought this was a public bar?!!" He sais showing his bunny smile again.How can this guy be the same one who was intimidating not so long ago.

"Yeah it is.."

"What brought you here baby?" Baby!!!What baby???

"Nothing,Just enjoying the day with my hyungs." Somehow I felt comfortable around him,maybe because I am starting to have a crush.But I just met him today!!Aishh!Let's see where this goes...

Taehyung's POV (At the same bar)

I was enjoying my time here with my guys until I saw him.Swaying his hips,damn so hot!!I can see his friend going for a drink leaving him all alone.Well I can't let him dance alone especially when everyone around him is looking at him like a snack to devour any minute!!!

I went near him.He didn't saw me and is still dancing.No one can go around without noticing me!!! I caught his hands pulled him towards me hitting his back on me.He was about to push me back until he saw me.He looked shocked for a second and continued swaying on me.GOD!!! He is gonna be the death of me.

I turned him around so I can see his beautiful face.We are now dancing slowly.My hands on his waist holding him close to my chest,while his hands are around my neck.

He is staring straight into my eyes.He is a lil drunk but not that much.I smirked at the thought that he will remember everything tomorrow.He slightly parted his lips.That plump lips,I want to taste it so baddd....I leaned forward,I can see him granting permission for me to kiss him by closing his eyes...So hot and cute at the same time.

I can smell strawberry mixed with alcohol from his breath.We are barely centimetre apart and-

He stepped back hearing the sound of GLASS SHATTERING.Damn it!!!! (Not so fast guys😉)

We looked to our side to see Yoongi hyung and That CEO Park glaring at eachother with a deadly look!!!

Will Continue...💜

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Credits goes to rightful owner to the pics above.

Next update will be soon......❤

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