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Chapter 576: Deception

"Miss Chen... this is not just about us." Zhou Huifang uttered. "We have rallied people that she offended in the past and ... we are adamant on destroying her." To Zhou Huifang, the reason why his father is not the CEO of their company is because of Lily.

In response, Chen Shi narrowed her eyes. "You are hiding something." She uttered. "What is it? What is your true goal?" Chen Shi had been scheming since she was a child. Does this people think that they could just lie in front of her face like this? She sneered inwardly.

"Well... I believe that is the only thing that you needed to know for now. We will tell you all the details once you decide to work with us." Qi Xia eyed Zhou Huifang. He knows that Zhou Huifang is desperate to ruin Zhou Jingren. However, in his opinion, informing someone as treacherous as this Chen Shi is the wrong move. It is always better to keep some information to themselves.

However, Zhou Huifang does not think like this. He opened his mouth and decided to tell Chen Shi bits and pieces of their plan. "We are targeting Zhou Capital and Zhou Wu Yang's company. We need some distractions. Surely a troubled Lily is enough to make distract her husband."

Qi Xia instantly frowned. He wanted to slap his own face at this man's stupidity. How could he think that Chen Shi is a simple person that would not take advantage of their plans? He gritted his teeth. He understood that Zhou Huifang is desperate but... this is just too much!

He already told him not to tell Chen Shi about this to avoid some complications! How could Zhou Huifang act so careless now?

"Zhou Jingren's father?" As expected, Chen Shi instantly showed interest at the mention of Zhou Capital and Zhou Wu Yang. Their conversation was interrupted when the door was opened and the attendant that served Chen Shi earlier walked inside with the orders that Chen Luan made for them.

The trio did not utter a word as they waited for the woman to leave.

"Tell me about his father." Chen Shi continued when the attendant left. "And tell me about this... plan."

"We can't tell you anything for now. If you want to find out about his father, then... you do the research. And as for our plans... you will know everyone once you agreed to work with us." Qi Xia said, his face stern. He wanted to end this meeting before the stupid Zhou Huifang could make another mistake.

"Really?" Sarcasm laced Chen Shi's tone. She eyed Zhou Huifang, then smiled at Qi Xia. "Well then... I will call you tonight. I needed some time to decide about this matter." She then stood from her seat. "I already paid for the coffee." She uttered before leaving the room with Chen Luan.

The moment she left, Qi Xia's face instantly turned dark. "Are you crazy?"

"What?" Zhou Huifang asked.

"How could you tell her about Zhou Jingren's father? That woman... is dangerous! Don't you understand?" Qi Xia grew up in a household surrounded by entertainers. Both of his parents were in the entertainment industry for years! Surely, she can spot a fake person like Chen Shi.

"Xia... relax." Zhou Huifang leaned against the chair and gave a languid smile. The distressing reaction that he showed Chen Shi earlier vanished as if it was never there in the first place.

"What do you mean? Obviously, she is looking down on us!"

"Let her," Zhou Huifang smirked. "Let her underestimate us. Let her think that we are stupid. Let her insult us." He elegantly took a sip of his coffee. "All warfare is based on deception. As someone who experienced Lily's schemes... you should already know that." He looked at the man sitting next to him.

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