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Chapter 211: For Her Son

"You-" Yang Lina's instantly glared at Lily as fury coursed through her veins. "You still dare show your face in front of me?" Yang Lina said as her hand flew towards Lily's face. She wanted to slap her, hurt her, and remove that mocking smirk from Lily's face. How dare Lily show up after framing her and scheming behind her back?!

However, Lily was quick to grab her arm, gripping it tightly and preventing Yang Lina from moving any further. Then Lily suddenly released her arm and used her other hand to deliver a palm tingling slap across Yang Lina's self-righteous face instead.


The loud slapping sound reverberated through the room before Yang Lina staggered backwards, clutching her aching cheek as she tried to stop herself from falling.

"How dare you slap me!?" Yang Lina uttered as she narrowed her eyes at Lily, who was now calmly walking towards the table.

"So what if I slapped you? Can you do anything about it?" Lily placed her handbag on top of the table before she took a seat and looked at the detective who just nodded and left the room.

"You framed me! I did not kill Li Tian Ya! You framed me!" Yang Lina said. She walked towards the table and stood opposite Lily before she dramatically slammed her hands on the table. "How dare you do this to me! You released that video and shamed my husband and me, and then you made the Yang Family abandon me! Was that not enough? Huh? Are you planning to take everything away from me?"

"Lily... you are heartless!" she added.

"Take a seat, Yang Lina... we're going to have a long chat tonight. I don't want you to collapse suddenly without my approval," Lily said before a knock was heard on the door. Another policeman entered and gave Lily a bottle of water. The policeman then gave Lily a low bow before walking out of the room. Lily arched an eyebrow at Yang Lina. "If you prefer to stand, then I can asked the police personnel to remove your seat so that you can comfortably stand in front of me."

Yang Lina did not answer Lily. She only responded by glaring at her and sitting down on the chair opposite Lily.

"Are you here to mock me?" Yang Lina asked, the coldness in her voice seemingly doubled.

"Partly," Lily nodded, making Yang Lina even more irritated. Partly? What the hell does she mean?

"You won't succeed, Lily! I can assure you that the Yang family..."

"Is mine," Lily interrupted Yang Lina. "The Yang Family is mine now, Miss Yang..."

"What are you saying?" Yang Lina asked, a little confused by Lily's words. "What do you mean, yours? We are not yours!?"

"Your father happily agreed to my terms just this afternoon. From now on... the Yang Family will become a branch under the Zhuo Empire." Yang Lina was immediately rendered speechless by Lily's words. Her father agreed? Confusion and irritation clouded Yang Lina's eyes.

"Wh- What do you mean?"

"Simple. From now on.... No one from the Yang Family will help you or He Yuyan. Your brother, who just woke up this afternoon, even approved of this. I can send you a copy of the video call if you want.... Oops... do they even have computers in prison? Ah... my bad. I don't think they do," Lily give her a beautiful smile.


"Miss Yang... let me tell you more," Lily said, interrupting Yang Lina's words. "Xuan Zengmo is struggling right now. His career will soon be over, meanwhile Xuan Hui..."

"Don't you dare touch my son! You bitch!" Yang Lina fumed. "Don't you dare touch my son! I will kill you! I will kill everyone that you love! You and your husband will pay for this!"

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