Even if I live for a day

Start from the beginning

I pulled my hand to me rather quickly, checking for any wounds. And at the same time drawing my gun with my other hand. Eyes flaming with hidden resentment.

" Ah ah, not so fast," Nicholai mocks me. He kicks the gun of my hand before kicking me against the railing. The barrel of his firearm was quickly pointing against my skull.

I suck in a breath as my bruised back is forced against metal. Pain spreads through my system. I desperately turn my head towards my gun hanging on the edge of the level. It tilts over, falling into the darkness of the pit. I grit my teeth, quietly plotting.

The arsehole opens his mouth now that we're comfortably in his control. " I don't think my lessons have been impacting the two of you," Nicholai empathizes the word lessons as he irks at the two of us. Why is he even bothering with us?

Nicholai proceeds to step on Jill's poor fingers. She yelps out in pain, one hand letting go completely.

"Now I know you can't put a price on life. But I'm the business to get paid. So let's make a deal!" Nicholai lowers himself to our level and glances at both of us. " Jill, Battle the beast. I record it, sell the data. And maybe I'll give you the vaccine. That is if you put on a good show," Nicholai quirks his eyebrow at her.

"Miss Lyn, you come with me. We have some... unfinished business," He tilts his gun towards the door at the other side of the circle. He stands up and coldly kicks Jill down to the pit. She falls, painfully rolling and landing on the concrete floor. Her grunts could be heard from where I was.

"You fucker!" I growl at Nicholai. I was done with his bullshit.

Flipping my hand sideways, I push the gun off my face. Then I knee Nicholai straight in the ribs, as hard as I could muster. At that moment, I felt something crack in his side. It must have been a rib.

Nicholai hisses in pain as my knee lands on his side. The vaccine rolls of his hands. Unlucky for me, he recovers fast from the blow. He swings at me with his gun hand. I block with my right hand as the guns handle hits against bone. Adrenaline clouded my mind as I tried to counterattack with my left.

There was no strength in my injured arm resulting in me flying off my feet. Nicholai effortlessly pushed me off my poor footing. I fell down against the railing. The back of my head burned with the impact, no longer trying to get up.

I panted and saw an explosion coming from the "arena". Nicholai picks up what he dropped before marching over to me. He was furious. I could see it in his posture.

He lifts his foot and slams it down on my injured shoulder.

I screeched in absolute agony, wanting life to end right then and there. I'm pretty sure everyone on a five-mile radius heard me.
Stars and black spots danced in my vision from the trauma.

My brain was barely hanging on to the thread called consciousness.

My voice swirled around the open area, making its way to Jill's ears. She turned her head, panic evident in her eyes as she heard the younger voice. She clenched her fists and continued battling Nemesis with newfound rage.

Nicholai wickedly smiled at my state, and I stared up at the ceiling to prevent him from seeing the pain in my eyes. I couldn't sense my arm and shoulder anymore. What if I can never move my hand again?

I was frightened out of my wits with the thought of losing the entire arm. I felt nauseous and despondent of my current condition.

"Now that you have calmed down. I believe you have something that belongs to me. Let's head to your friend so we can exchange, shall we," Nicholai motions up with his gun, fiddling with the vial in his hand. He was obviously proud of his work. Especially with the amount of money, he was going to receive.

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