Jake : thanks

The more people she had watching out for her the better it made me feel a bit better . He had a point. Lilly and Hannah won't react well if i choose angel over them , and angel would be heartbroken if i choose them over her . How do I do this without hurting anyone ?

Phil : I know people think of me as a bad person but I'm not, most guys think I'm a womanizer but I'm not. Don't worry I'll let my sister and her friends know also .

Jake : thanks


After lunch we decided to take a walk around little rock Jessy and i were walking together and mac was following us in  the car

Jessy : seriously a bodyguard

Mc : yea he was my bodyguard when i was 16

Jessy : ok you're strange

Mc : no I'm not when you've got rich parents that's the way it goes

Jessy : oh ok umm if you don't mind me asking how does he know jake ?

So i told her the long story of me taking him away and everything else

Jessy : Wow, I don't know what to say .

Mc : i just wanted to find Hannah and richy , i needed to get him his freedom i had to try at least .

Jessy : What if after he is released he doesn't want anything to do with you ?

Mc : he's not like that but if that's his decision then I'll live with it or I'll try to live with it.

Jessy : i just don't want you to get hurt

Mc : its ok I'm not worried .

We walked a bit more and decided to head to the supermarket. I needed to get some groceries as we walked into the supermarket. I had the feeling of being watched. I looked around without making it seem that way and I saw the deputy . What the hell was he following us ? He looked at me and smiled. I just turned away. I didn't need any more trouble in my life I already got through one mess. I didn't need something like this .

Jessy : What on earth is that guy following us?

Mc : just ignore him jessy

As i got a basket and started taking what i wanted he walked up to us

Deputy : Now how are you, beautiful ladies today .

Mc : maybe you fail to understand or is it just that your small brain cannot comprehend that we are not interested in anything you have no to say .

Deputy : oh i comprehend alright and i can tell when a woman wants me .i see you Talia .

Mc : Now let me explain something to you in all seriousness stay away from me , try to touch me and you'll wake up in a hospital with tubes coming out of every hole in your body .  I mean it

Jessy was shocked she couldn't believe i would say something like that and the idiot just smiled and started to walk away at that moment mac came in looking at us.

Mac : I thought I told you to stay away from them.

Deputy : I can do whatever I want. I'm a deputy of the police. You ladies be careful there has been a lot of break-ins lately.

And with that he walked away .he was crazy there was no way he was a sane person .i just shook my head and continued shopping .

Jessy : mc I'm worried

Mac : You don't have to be worried about anything I'm here and besides, Mc can take care of herself if she needs to .

Mc : it will be fine Jessy

We walked to the cashier and paid for the stuff we bought , we decided to walk back to the apartment it wasn't that far Jessy and i walked and talked it took us longer to get back because we  stopped at every shop we saw when something caught our eye when we got back to the apartment it was almost 4 i saw it before mac or Jessy i stopped her in her tracks .

Jessy : What's wrong ?

Mc : the door is open ,mac

Mac : both of you stay here

Mac went into the apartment to make a check when he said everything was ok. We walked in what the hell someone was in here. Both rooms were turned over and all our stuff was searched through what the hell were they looking for .

Jessy : I'm scared who would do something like this .

Mc : i have no idea

I just shook my head at Mac. I knew exactly who did it and so did he , that idiot would pay for this . Just then we heard a police cruiser pull up to the front when we walked out it was him and another officer.

Deputy : We got a call about someone trying to break into an apartment .

I just looked at him and he had a smug look on his face and i knew i was right he did it oh it was on now i won't be letting this go so easily.

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