How Do i protect them ?

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I didn't get to sleep I stayed up half the night just thinking and that's not good I really needed some sleep well what's the point I woke up at 4:00 and made some coffee I got about 2 hours of sleep that was all I was going to get I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I pulled out my folders I'm start looking at the clues we found everything in here it made no sense who did Hannah go with to visit Iris who was this strange guy what does feel really have to do with Amy's dad it was all just so confusing and Jake was hiding something from me Jesse is on the verge of breaking down because of what happened to Richie Dan is still in the hospital Richie we don't know if he's dead or if he's still alive Cleo and Thomas well they're doing the best that they can do I just want this to be over I really do so there was nothing I could do at the moment it was 4:00 in the morning I doubt any one of them would be awake but I figured Jake would be

MC : Hey Jake

no reply he was probably sleeping also if he ever got any sleep while going through the notes I heard my phone

Jake : hello MC

Mc : Hey Jake I was just up and just figured I'd get started early

Jake : it's too early why aren't you asleep

MC :  I just couldn't sleep I just had a lot to think about

Jake : you really do need to get some sleep Mc you've been through a lot in the past couple of days

MC : I know but what's the point of going to bed if you can't sleep right there's just too much to do and to think about

Jake : yes but still you need to get some rest you can't function like that

MC :  Look Who's Talking you're the one that doesn't sleep

Jake :  I don't sleep because I can't sleep  , sleeping will let my guard down

MC :  I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I just I'm just really frustrated , confused and scared how do I keep everyone safe look at what happened to Richie I can't protect the others and neither can you

Jake : but I can try to protect you the others not so much you , Lily and finding Hannah and Richie that is my only priority

MC :  I know but it's a lot for one person to deal with Jake it's just too much don't you think we're going a bit too far

Jake :  no I don't we need to find them and find who did this to Hannah and Amy

MC : okay can we get started if you're not busy at the moment

Jake : sure we can what were we talking about the last time

MC : we were talking about the possible connection between Amy and Hannah

Jake : oh yes I remember that you do realize where they found Amy's body  there was a headstone but that cleo pointed out

MC : yeah I do remember that but why would the killer go out of his way to leave Amy's body there , there is a connection we just need to figure out what that connection is

Jake  : okay then I remember Jessica wanted to talk to you did she talk to you

MC :  no she didn't but I figure she will later on in the day

Jake :  MC you really need to get some sleep it's too early to do this

MC :  it's never too early Jake with something like this it's never too early or never to late we need to figure out the clues

Jake :  I created a monster  you need to rest

MC : I can rest when I'm dead

Jake : please don't say that

MC :  fine fine I'll try to get some sleep and I'll text you later on in the day

Jake : that's good you know MC sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if we met under a different circumstances if we weren't thrown together because we had to find Hannah but we have what if we had just met randomly

MC : please Jake not now

Jake  : no I'm just thinking like what would have happened if we met on the different circumstances like you know I just saw you out in the streets

MC : that would not be possible because we don't live in the same state and there would be no reason for me to have any connection with the hacker

Jake :  I know but I couldn't help thinking about it

MC : bye  Jake I'll talk to you later

Jake :  talk to you later MC :)

I went back to bed it was now going on to 5:00 tried to get some sleep I don't know how I went but when I woke up the Sun was shining I actually felt good having after having a bit much of needed sleep so I got up did my morning routine had two cups of coffee which I really needed when I checked the time it was almost 10:00 in the morning wow I've never slept that late well I haven't slept at all so it could be a good thing

Jessie :  Hey

MC : Hey Jessy

Jessie : so I found one address in Hannah's car  navigation  and I'm heading there now

MC : why are you people so stubborn don't you listen I need you guys to say in one place I don't want anything happening to anyone else

Jessy : oh come on I'll just go there and find out what Hannah was there for

MC : okay please be careful and let me know what you find out

God how do I keep them safe when they won't even listen to me  I think I'll need to have Jake  monitor their locations just keep them within range I can't afford for anything else to happen to someone else I just can't

MC :  Thomas I need you to find out who handed in that bracelet

Thomas : okay I will

there was nothing else I could do just go over my clues this was going to be a really long day and this case was taken it toll on me .

Jake's POV

I am so tired and sleep deprived I need some sleep none of this makes sense everything I do I can't find any more clues I can't let Hannah down MC knows me well she knows that I'm tired and she's trying to do the best that she can but I don't want her to be worried she saw what happened to Richie and I know she's a bit traumatized by that I just can't seem to let this go I wish there was more I could do I'm starting to think I should turn myself in but if I do that I'll never see MC again maybe that would be best all the clues all the information that I have I should just hide it or better yet give it to MC I know she will never share it with anyone and turn myself in but that would take me away from her and I promised her  I promise her I will never leave her what do I do my persecutors are after me there's a maniac on the loose one of my sister is missing and there's possibly the only girl that I fell in love with  the only one that i have ever loved could be in danger and I could lose her without ever having seen her I need to make a decision and decision fast Mc knew I was keeping something from her she knows how she knows is beyond me but she knows I am keeping something from her how will she react what will she do when I made this decision it's either I go to jail for the rest of my life and put them all in the clear especially MC or I keep hiding I put everyone in danger what am I going to do I can't even tell Lily about it MC won't have it she won't even listen to this conversation if I told her . I don't have anyone else to talk to how do I protect her how do I protect Lily how do I keep their friends safe how do I protect any of them how do I protect myself ?

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