~Episode 6~

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"Yes!" I scream as I victory dance in place. I made the basketball team, which I'm not surprised.

"Did we make it?" Dante asks coming up beside me, probably just getting here. He searches the list till he finds his name, then starts copying my victory dance. "I made it."

I smile, "We made it, we made it, we made it," we sing.

"You dipwits" I turn to see a familiar face, and that face is Gene.

Dante smiles from ear to ear. "Gene! We made the basketball team."

Gene smiles and hugs his little brother, "knew you had it in ya, how about you get some water? That dancing must have made you thirsty."

"Ok! Make sure (N/N) doesn't move, I wanna walk to class." Gene nods as Dante walks off to the water fountain. I roll my eyes and look up at Gene.

"What? Obviously you want something."

He shake his head, "what could I possibly want from you? Although I have one question."

I blink a few times, awaiting his question.

"How did you make the team? You played like a little girl."

I scoff, "Ok you sexist rat, I might be small compared to you but I bet I could beat you any day."

"How much would you bet against the basketball captain? I was always chosen as the captain in middle school."

I roll my eyes, "$50, middle school is nothing, aren't you like a junior now?"

Gene shrugs, "I don't have time to be the captain now, plus I practice in secret with Dante. When and where?"

"Park on Friday at 5, don't be late," I walk away as cool as I could, I'm not sure why I bothered, I just felt like I had to.



"...so now we're have this competition thingy on friday at 5." I explain to Tristian and Ann. We were in the dance room getting ready for our first dance rehearsal, we weren't exactly sure what we wanted to do but, oh well.

They both just laugh at me. I looked at them like a confused puppy.

"This whole rivalry thing between you and Gene is totally hilarious, and adorable." Ann comments

Tristan nods in agreement. "I bet it'll be some enemies to lovers story." Ann snickers

I stand up furiously and glare at them. "Adorable? Lovers? Guys, what the he'll, I'm with Laurence."

"When did you make it official?" Ann asks

"Official? Like we have to confirm we're dating?"

Ann groans and her face falls as Tristan face palms.

I frown, "I'm sorry, this thing with Laurence would be my first relationship."

"What's the difference between Laurence and Gene anyway? They're both part of the Shadow Knights, and as far as I'm concerned, anyone who joins their group is a jerk" Ann says

I smile slightly, "Laurence is different, he's a great person."

"Whatever you say." Tristan stands up and holds up his phone. "Who's ready to do some dancing?"

"Ye!" Ann and I scream in unison

After about half an hour we decided on a song and started choreographing. If our dance was good enough then we would enter it in the talent show. We got through about a minute of choreographing for our song when the lights start flickering. I kneel, close my eyes, and put my hands to my ears. Suddenly I feel two people holding onto both my arms, they were probably saying something but all I could hear was mumbling. This felt like a nightmare.

Hearing someone laughing, I open my eyes and take my hands away from my ears. The light wasn't flickering anymore and I see Ann and Tristan both on either sides of me looking at the door of the dance room. I copy them to see Gene laughing.

"Is wittle (Y/N) afraid of the dark?" Gene asks in a baby voice then continues laughing.

"N-No!" I lie, and stand up. (Sorry if you're not,this is part of the story.)

Gene stops laughing and just smirks, "what a liar." Then he leaves, I was trying to stomp over and punch him but Ann and Tristan held me back by holding both of my arms.

"Hey! I know what will make you feel better!" Ann says, trying to distract me. "You could sing and we'll be your backup dancers!"

I look at her confused, "how do you know I sing?"

"On the first day, I was walking past your music class and well-  may have heard you singing."

"Ohhhh," I nod

"Do you have any songs?" Tristan asks

I walk over to my bag and pull out a folded sheet of paper and unfold it, then I walk back over to them. "I do have this one that I wrote a few weeks ago, but not sure if it's any good."

"Let's here it!" Ann says confidently.

I bite my lip, I do admit, I was a little nervous to sing a song that I haven't completely finished yet.

"Come on, we're all friends here!"

Then I sigh and smile, I start to sing softly, making sure that it was only loud enough for them to hear. When I finished, their mouths were gaped open, then they start smiling and clapping.

"Girl! That was amazing!" Ann squeals

I awkwardly smiles as Tristan says, "are you like- Beyonce or something!?"

"Come on, it wasn't THAT good, it didn't even have a tune." I go back to my bag and put it back.

"I can have my brother make a tune for it, just record yourself singing it, send it to me, then I'll have him listen to it and make it!"

I nod, "let's do it!" We all high-five and start working on choreography for it. We got through about a quarter of the dance when we decided that it was time to go home for the day. "Geez! I really broke a sweat!" I pick up my bag and start to head for the door along with Tristan and Ann.

"We should probably start changing out into some leggings and a t-shirt." Ann says

I nod in agreement, I wave to them when we're outside since they go a separate way from me. Suddenly Gene steps in front of me, causing me to stop. He just looks down at me, expressionless.

'What the hell...?'

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