~Episode 5~

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"Good Morning Students! Good to see your lovely faces! Today is xx/xx/xxxx and here are your morning announcements. Today the basketball team will have its tryouts, hosted by our lovely gym teacher, and that's all" We listen as the noise stops and the class goes back to chatting.

"Basketball is having tryouts today, you must be pretty nervous," Garroth asks me

I smile and shake my head "Nope! I've been doing basketball since I was a kid"

Both of the boys' eyebrows rise in surprise.

"What about Dante? He's gonna be there, he might take captain from you" Laurence says

"Dante?" I laugh it off "Hilarious"

Laurence smirks, "So you're not at all afraid of him?"

I just blink at Laurence, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Afraid of Dante. Good one"

The sound of a cat screeching stops my laughing

"Garreth, wanna piece of gum?" Ivy smacks

Garroth politely decline and turns back towards us

"I wanna piece of gum" Laurence requests

Ivy looks Laurence up and down and giggles


Laurence scrunches up his nose and looks back at me. Shortly after, the bell rings, I get up and head out of the classroom. But as I'm leaving, I trip on something.

"EEK" I screech before someone catches me

"(Y/N)! Are you ok?"

I look up to see Laurence, I blush slightly and nod, quickly standing up. I look down the hall and see Gene walking away from our homeroom.

My eyebrows narrow and I growl, "What the fuck!" I look back at Laurence

"Did he do that on purpose?" Laurence questions

I stood there in shock, "Of course he did, he told me I was gonna be first on his list to destroy, remember?"

"Wait, when did this happen?" Garroth asks

"Laurence-" Laurence covers my mouth before I could continue, I bit his hand so he would remove it, "Nevermind"


"Alright students, today is your tryouts. I want you to choose a partner."

I search the gym for someone, but the only person who wasn't paired up was Dante. I roll my eyes and walk over.

Dante laughs, "I guess we were made for eachother" I knock on his head causing him to stop laughing, "ow"

"Now, the partner you have chosen, is going to be the person you face off for tryouts"

I smirk and look at Dante who had no expression, "Sure we are partners, just not in the way you hopes" I laughed

We were the last pair called for tryouts, it wasnt till I was in the middle of the gym to realize that Gene was near the door.

'Focus (Y/N)'

The coach blows his whistle and I spring in action, these were short games since there were so many kids to go through so first to ten points was the winner, a basket is two points. Dante got the first two points but I got the next four, I was doing good till we were neck to neck at eight points. That's when Gene struck, right when I had the ball again then I heard him, Dante grabbed the ball and I fell, giving Dante the chance to get the points.

Once again the coach blows his whistle, indicating the game was over.


Dante comes and helps me to my feet, I take his hand and we line up with everyone else.

"The people who are on the team and will represent our school will be revealed on Monday, have a good weekend"

I grab my back and start walking towards the door leading to the courtyard, then Dante joins my side.

"So I was thinking.." Dante starts

"That's never good" I interrupt

"You and I could grab a bite this weekend, grab some alone time"

I snicker, "I knew it wasn't good" I think about it for a second, "but fine, it could be fun"

Dante does some victory dance as we walk to the courtyard. It was entertaining so I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone.

"oof" I say, opening my eyes and seeing Gene.


Dante wraps his arm around me and smiles widely at his brother, "Big bro! Guess what! (Y/N) agreed to go on a date with me"

"No I didn't" 

Gene just stares at me for a good five seconds and then turns around and walks away.

"Wait up bro!" Dante starts running after him, "Text ya later (N/N)!"

'What a weird dude'



I sigh and walk downstairs to find Dante at my door.

"Ready for our date?" He asks

I roll my eyes

"You guys have a date???" Lizzy asks

I turn to her, "It's not a date, we're just hanging out" I turn back to Dante "Let's go"

We leave and Lizzie closes the door behind us, then we walk to the movie theater.

"I'll pay for our tickets cause I'm a gentleman" Dante hands the money to the person

"Right, and I'm a 7-foot purple platypus with wings" I laugh

Dante blushes in embarressment as he grabs the tickets and we head inside.I drag us to the snack bar, I bought a medium sized popcorn and a drink with (F/Candy) while Dante just bought a coke and a pretzel. After, we head inside the theater, we were watching (F/M) which Dante picked by the way.


We walked out of the theater with our leftover drinks.

"How'd you like the movie?" Dante asks

I shrug, "I've seen it like a hundred times, it's my favorite"

"Wha- Why didn't you tell me that?"

I smiled, "Cause you didnt even tell me what we were watching, you kept saying 'It's a surprise'"

Dante rolls his eyes at my and looks around.

"Oh, my brothers here to pick me up, need a ride?" He questions

I look over where he was looking and see Gene in the drivers seat of the car, staring at us- or me.

Shaking my head I say, "No thanks, I'll just walk"

Dante starts running in the direction of his car, "Alright! cya at school on Monday"

I don't wait another second before walking to my house. When I got home, Lizzy was sitting on the couch.

"How was your 'not a date?'" Lizzy asks as I close the door

"We just went to see a movie"

"What do you want for dinner" She walks with me towards the kitchen

We search the cupboards and fridge and find ingredients for pizza. I put (F/T) on my side of the pizza while Lizzy puts pepperoni, onions, and green peppers. After we ate we went to bed, well atleast I did, Lizzy probably stayed up watching tv.

A Fine Line;GenexReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz