“Either way, you have to give me great grandchildren soon!” grandma said in a bit of a whiny tone. “I’ve been waiting so long for Hunter to finally get together with someone and plant his seed in them…”

I stared blankly right at her because surely she knows that even if Hunter does plant his seed in me, nothing will grow. “But—“

“Now I know that you can’t get pregnant, Tyler, but other than him getting someone pregnant, my main point was that he should come up with a way to give me great grandchildren before I die.”

I hated it when grandma talked like her days were numbered. She was still pretty strong so I know that she would last long enough to even witness our future kid hit puberty. And I’m talking about adopting a baby, not a grown child, so I’m hoping for more than a decade more of living with grandma.

“Oh, please, mom, on your last check up with the doctor, he said you were as fit as a fiddle. You’ve got a long time more before you can even think about leaving us,” Hunter’s dad scolded.

“Whatever! I’m an impatient bitch. I want great grandchildren. NOW,” she demanded. I love grandma and all that jazz, but sometimes she can act pretty immature considering how old she is.

“Don’t worry, grandma, soon enough, Tyler and I will adopt,” Hunter said in attempt to appease her. His arm tightened around my shoulders and all I did was turn my head so I could give him a quick peck on the cheek.

“Yeah, grandma, remember, there’s still the wedding to worry about,” Nate reminded. That caused a few loud murmurs to erupt throughout the whole foyer of the house where everyone decided to gather as soon as grandma calmed down from the “pregnancy surprise” that even I knew nothing about.

In the few days that passed, the majority of wedding planning was left to my family (and my future family-in-law) along with Cassandra, Eric, Alyssa, and Michael. As for Scott, I plan to send him an invitation, but I’m not sure if he’s already home. I also don’t even know if he’ll take offense if I do send him one. 

And then it was all seating arrangements for the reception, cake tasting, food tasting, finding perfect decorations, thinking of possible performers for the little program they started to arrange… All in all, I think the cost of the wedding will make both of our families go bankrupt.

I wanted to complain though because I didn’t care how extravagant the wedding was. All that mattered was that it happened with the people I love as witnesses. As long as I got married to Hunter and made everything official, I was content.

As the big day came, I got more nervous. Not because of all the people coming, not because of the fear of something going horribly wrong, not because I might end up doing something really embarrassing, but because the wedding day is one of the most important days in my life.

By making the vows, I’m entrusting my whole life to Hunter and we’ve only known each other for few months. Honestly, I still don’t know much about him, but I guess I’ll have my whole entire life to learn everything. It gives me enough time to not miss a single information about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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