A trip down memory lane

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Miles pov

Bose and Mika are getting their bracelet and necklace today so now schwoz is making sure nothing bad will happen.

Bose: So when and where can we use our new couple power?

Schwoz: You can use your new power only when you guys are out on a mission nowhere else and you guys will train more so you guys can get the hang of your power.

Mika: okay let's go Bose we got a movie to go to.

Bose: Coming bunny. Wait it's raining here's my jacket lets go.

Mika: Thank you.

They go outside and Bose gets struck by lightning.

Mika: GUYS HELP!! she sonic screamed.

Everybody ran towards where Mika yelled.

Schwoz: What happened?

Mika: I don't know Bose just went outside and got electrocuted I came out and then here we are.

Ray: Okay everybody grab an arm and a leg let's put him on the round table.

After 5 minutes they got him hooked up to some machines and now schwoz is examining him.

Mika: So Schwoz how is he?

Schwoz: Well it appears that Bose has iron and part of a screw in his necklace.

Mika: How did that happen?

Schwoz: Well I don't know I made his necklace practically out of plastic.

Mika: well if you made it out of plastic then that means someone sabotaged Boses necklace.

Everybody but Mika: Gasped

This is a cliffhanger and yes I will try and post more frequently to make my viewers happy.

Bomika decisions and agreementsWhere stories live. Discover now