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Mika was excited she's eighteen she has a great boyfriend and she's about to receive her recommendation letter to college she's always wanted to go to Harvard now that you know what's going on lets go to the story.

Mika walked into the mans nest with her letter she wanted to open it in front of Bose just in case she doesn't get in Bose can comfort her she screams in joy but she accidentally activated her sonic screaming which causes Bose to hiss in pain because his left ear is sensitive.

Mika: sorry baby I'm just excited let me see.

Bose lets her see it then she cleans the blood off his ear then kisses his ear to make the pain go away.

Bose: thanks so I'm guessing your recommendation came in today?

Mika: yep I wanted to open it in front of you just in case I don't get in.

Bose: even if you don't get in you'll always be the smartest person in my heart.

Mika: you too.

Mika gets in his lap and Bose wraps his arms around her waist then she opens the letter.

Mika: they rejected me she says while about to break down in tears.

Bose: wow you don't deserve to be rejected your smart and intelligence.

Mika: guess they didn't think so.

Mika starts crying in his chest.

Bose: aw Mika you know you deserve college.

Mika: yeah but I'm gonna be okay. Can we go somewhere today?

Bose: yeah let me go get my keys.

Mika: okay.

Bose and Mika are in the car.

Bose: so where do you wanna go?

Mika: hie ha puree.

Bose: okay but don't tell ray he said laughing.

Mika: promise they were referring to the rivaltion war aka the thousand pranks war.

Bose takes one of his hands off the wheel and takes Mika's hand in his.

They arrive at hie ha puree in rivaltion and they start sharing a smoothie.

Bose: you okay miks I know when something's bothering you you always have your head down and you don't talk what's bothering you my little angel?

Mika: I've always wanted to go to college it was my dream if I don't go to college then what will I do with my life.

Bose: even if you don't go to college or be a superhero your whole life you have smarts and intelligence do something with it you can show college that you would have done something better than college your the smartest and the prettiest girl ever and college missed out on an amazing girl remember 4 years ago when my mom abandoned me you were by my side when I was hurting you never left now it's my turn to be there for you.

Mika: that was sweet Bosey your right maybe I can you my intelligence to do something else I'll only do it if you help me.

Bose: of course I'll help so you got anything in mind yet.

Mika: not yet but today I'll hang out with you tomorrow I'll start brainstorming.

Bose: deal I'm proud of you and my self.

Mika: yep come here.

Bose hugs Mika then gives her a kiss then he picked her up bridal style and carries her to the car then drives to the mans nest now they are in the mans nest garage.

Bose: alright I'm thinking a movie and-

Mika was asleep in the passenger seat.

Bose gets out then picks Mika up and takes her to the mans nest.

Bose: hey ray can you leave so Mika can lay down and she's heavy please.

Ray: alright hey does your mom want some company.

Bose: I don't know see abandoned me 4 years ago I haven't seen her since.

Ray: oh sorry Bose hey you want a blanket he said trying to cheer him up.

Bose: I'm okay but I'll take that blanket can you get Mika's and mine favorite blue and pink blankets.

Ray: sure he puts the blankets on to Mika who still is being carried by Bose.

Bose: thanks.

Bose puts Mika on the couch then kisses her cheek and puts the blanket on her then he's about to leave.

Mika grabs his hand Bose shrieks like a girl.

Mika: Bosey can you stay with me I'm still cold.

Bose could never say no to Mika.

Bose: anything for you miks.

Mika: thanks.

Bose sits next to Mika and wraps his arms around her so she won't get cold.

Bose: you comfortable and warm miks?

Mika: yeah thanks.

A/N: This is just a one shot I had this idea and now the next chapter will go back to normal see ya later or hasta luego as they say in Spanish.

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