Chapter 6-Trick or treat

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Halloween was a few days away Linda was getting the kids their costumes, Ava still had a few weeks left with her purple cast on after she broke it. She was always complaining how itchy it was. They had to watch her because she always tried to scratch it or use something to scratch it with?

Jack and Sean were sitting at the kitchen table doing their homework. Ava was sitting with them coloring a picture. Until her arm became itchy. Ava started to whine. Mommy it's itchy. Linda looked up from the saucepan. I know it is sweetie. She hated not being able to help Ava?

Ava then looked at Sean's ruler and looked at her cast. Ava may have been 6 but she was a smart 6-year-old. Before Sean knew it, Ava was using his ruler to scratch her arm. Jack saw her and laughed. Sean, Ava has your ruler. Sean looked at his little sister and laughed. Mom Ava is using my ruler. Linda looked at her kids. Noo Ava don't do that sweetie?

Linda managed to get the ruler out of her hand and cast and handed it back to Sean. Why don't you help me make dinner baby. Ava nodded and helped Linda make dinner. Will daddy be with us. Linda looked at her watch and looked at Ava. I don't know sweetie. Just then Danny walked into the house. I can smell dinner. Ava smiled. Yay daddy's home. Danny joined them all in the kitchen. Yes I am?

They sat down at the table and slowly ate dinner Jack looked at their mom. Did you get our costumes yet. Linda nodded. I got them today. Sean smiled. What are they. Linda smiled. It's a surprise but you won't be disappointed with them. Danny smiled. So you are all going trick or treating. All three kids nodded, Danny looked at Ava's broken arm then looked at the boys. You watch out for your sister okay I don't want her getting hurt again?

Jack and Sean nodded. We'll watch her dad. Linda smiled. We're going early before the big kids get onto the streets and the scary costumes come out so that Ava doesn't get scared?

Danny smiled. Always a few steps ahead of everyone. Linda nodded. It's a mom thing and they have matching costumes so they won't get lose each other quickly. Ava giggled. I wanna see, I wanna see. Linda got up and handed them each a bag of their costumes. Jack got his out first. Jack smiled. Cool I'm a zombie. Sean looked at his. Me too. Linda helped Ava get hers out of the bag. Ava is an evil scientist that brought you both back from the dead. Ava giggled. Yay?

The three of them ran out of the kitchen to try on their costumes, Danny smiled. I think they'll like their costumes especially Ava. Linda nodded. I hope so I just wanted them to be the same?

The three of them walked back into the kitchen in their costumes, Linda smiled. You guys look great. Ava giggled. Zombies dance. Jack and Sean started to dance which made everyone else laugh?

Halloween arrived Jack and Sean have never gotten changed before so quickly. Ava was happily sitting on the couch waiting for her zombies. They came down the stairs. Zombies ready master. They both said, Ava giggled. Silly zombies. Linda held out her phone. Say brains. Brains. Linda took a picture of them and sent it to Danny?

Danny laughed and showed it to Jackie. Aww they look so cute especially Ava. Danny nodded. She's been calling them her zombies. Jackie laughed. Why not. She's the youngest and tonight she gets to boss her brothers around. Danny smiled. Yep the little one is in charge?

Linda took the kids around the block to go trick or treating. They were all having fun it was getting dark which meant the older kids would be coming out soon and scaring everyone. Ava started to get sleepy. Mommy my arm is getting heavy. Linda picked her up. How about we get dinner and take some to daddy, then u can scare him?

The kids all agreed and they headed to the precinct after picking up some Chinese food. Jackie saw them coming and kept quiet, then very faintly Danny could hear. Brains, must eat brains. Danny turned around and saw them. You can't have mine. Linda smiled. We brought dinner for you?

Linda handed a carton to Jackie. Enjoy. Jackie smiled. Thanks. Once again the Reagan family found an empty room and enjoyed their precinct dinner. Ava was sitting next to Danny and Sean?

Halloween was always a busy time for cops but no matter what time of the year it was or how busy he was. Danny would always find a few minutes to spend with his family he really had changed his ways after he almost lost his baby brother and his baby girl?

Ava was looking out of the window watching all the criminals in costumes getting brought into the precinct then spoke up. I want more zombies. Everyone laughed, Danny looked at his evil little scientist. Maybe next year sweetie. Ava just nodded and went back to her noodles?

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