Chapter 4-Danny's worst nightmare part 2

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Jamie was still in his uniform so his radio was still active. He hadn't turned it off. He was still on duty. Frank was busy with Baker and Garrett, Henry was with Erin, Linda had unexpectedly been called into the hospital to help out?

Danny was busy wondering what the children were up to, the house was silent apart from Frank and his people. Danny walked upstairs to check on them?

They were playing a game Danny remembered when they used to do that as kids. It was a rare moment when he missed Joe and his childhood. He was brought out of his trace by Jamie on his radio. DANNY. Danny ran down the stairs. What?

They arrived back at the house Ava was hopping down the stairs. DADDY. Ava jumped off the stairs and into Danny's arms. Hey baby. Ava looked at them. Did you get the bad guy. Danny nodded. Don't I always?

Everyone was glad that no one got badly hurt and that Jackie was going to be fine. They were also glad to be able to get back to their lives and homes. Linda and Erin made dinner for everyone?

However after dinner things didn't go to plan, Jamie was asleep on the couch along with Ava on his lap, the boys were asleep against him with Nicky on the other side of them. They were all asleep?

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