Chapter 2-Ava's first steps

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Linda looked at the time, it was nearly dinner time and she had a feeling that Danny once again wouldn't be joining them. Ava missed spending time with her dad. Jack and Sean tried to keep her occupied but everyone knew who she really wanted?

Linda watched Ava she was watching cartoons with her wolf on her lap, but she kept looking at the door waiting for Danny to walk right in. Linda walked over to the children. What would u guys like for dinner. They all looked at her. You can have anything. Sean looked at Jack and Jack looked at Sean. PIZZA. Linda laughed, Ava covered her ears. They both hugged her. Sorry Ava?

Linda kissed their cheeks. Decide what you would like on your pizza then tell me. Linda walked into the kitchen. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number?

Danny looked at his phone light up beside him on his desk, ID Linda. Hey babe, everything ok. Linda sighed. Hey Danny, yeah, we were just wondering if you were joining us for dinner tonight. Danny looked at the case files stacked against his desk. I don't think so babe, I'm sorry it's just we have a serial killer. Linda stopped him half way. Danny it's you don't have to explain, I could bring you some dinner cause I know you won't eat. Danny laughed. You know me too well honey. Linda smiled. It's kind of my job as your wife to know you. Danny smiled?

Jackie left her desk so he could have some privacy, he mouthed thank u to her as she walked pass him. So what is for dinner tonight. Linda looked at the children in the living room. The boys want pizza, so I can bring you and Jackie one on my way back to the house. Danny looked at his watch their meal time was almost coming up?

Linda looked at Ava who was sucking her thumb. Ava misses her daddy. Danny looked at the new photo he had on his desk of the boys and Ava. Can I talk to her. Linda sat back down with Ava on her lap she put her phone on speaker phone. Say dada. Ava shook her head. Ava. Ava smiled at Linda. Dada?

Danny smiled. Yeah it's me sweetie, I love you and I miss you too. Ava giggled. Dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada, dada. Danny laughed a little. Yes it's me sweetie. Danny remembered when he first heard her say dada, it was in the middle of the night and she just started saying dada?

Mom can we get extra cheese. The boys ran into the kitchen. Ahh no running in the house and yes you can get extra cheese. The boys high fived. I hope you boys are listening to your mom and looking after Ava. The boys sat at the table. Yes dad we are. Jack handed Ava her wolf?

Mom when will it snow. Linda looked at Sean. I don't know but soon I guess, maybe if Ava starts walking, you'll be able to walk around the backyard with her. Ava giggled?

We are going to go and get the pizza and drop yours off at the precinct. Danny saw Jackie was back at her desk. That will be perfect timing cause our meal break is almost here. Linda smiled at the kids. I'm just perfect, we love you Danny. Love you dad. Linda looked at the boys and smiled. Dada. Danny smiled. I love you too Ava?

Danny put his phone on his desk. You want pizza, Linda and the kids are bringing one for us. Jackie smiled. You really do have an amazing family Reagan, if you ever hurt them, I'll kill you?

Danny held up his hands. I would never hurt them. Someone placed their hands on his shoulders, Danny jumped out of his skin. Jackie started laughing. Easy Danny, it's just me. Danny turned around and looked at his baby brother. That was uncool Jamie. Jamie patted his shoulder. I'm sorry Danny?

Half an hour later, Linda and the children arrived. Ava was holding onto her brothers fingers. Hi dad, hi uncle Jamie. Ava started to whine, Danny opened his arms, Ava slowly waddled over to him, Jack and Sean slowly let go of her. Ava slowly waddled over to Danny all by herself?

Linda gasped at the sight of her little baby walking by herself, Jamie was proud of his little niece, Jack and Sean were happy for their baby sister, it now meant they could do more things with her. Danny smiled. Come on Ava, come to daddy?

Ava giggled and she slowly made her way right into Danny's arms, Danny scooped her up and kissed her Cheek. I'm so proud of you sweetie, you did it. Everyone in the precinct clapped the best part was that frank had come down to talk to Danny's sergeant when he witnessed his granddaughter taking her first steps?

Danny turned around and saw Frank. Commissioner, what brings you down here. Frank smiled. Looks like I have perfect timing. The boys hugged Frank. Hi grandpa, did you see Ava. Frank hugged them. Hi boys, yeah I saw her, she'll be running after you soon. In the snow just like mom said. Sean said as he smiled?

Linda smiled. We'll see Sean, not everyone likes the snow. Danny nodded. True but Ava will, she's a Reagan. They sat in an empty interrogation room and ate their pizza. But this time Ava wanted to sit on Jamie's lap. Ha I am her new favorite. Jamie held his niece. Yeah but I'm still her dad. Linda rolled her eyes. Boys no fighting. Once again Danny and Jamie looked at Linda. Yes mom?

Everyone laughed and enjoyed their pizza dinner. Ava was only a year old but she already loved having her family around her?

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