Chapter 5-Bubble wrap

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6-year-old Ava was happily playing in the playground, Linda and Danny both had the day off from work and Erin had suggested they make a day of their freedom. She would take care of the kids for them with the help of Jamie who she volunteered?

Jamie, Jack and Sean were kicking a soccer ball around, both brothers were trying to take down Jamie they were jumping on him and trying their hardest to bring him down?

Jamie just ended up on the cold ground tickling his nephews. Erin was watching Ava running around going from slide to swing then she made the brave move to monkey bars. Nicky held her legs and helped Ava finish them?

Erin cheered. Yeah go Ava. Ava giggled being born 3 months premature meant that Ava was small for her age. That never stopped her it also meant that Danny could still pick her up and carry her around when she fell asleep somewhere. Ava ran over to the swing. Nicky sat on the other swing and they tried to see who could go the highest?

Ready go. Nicky said trying to let Ava get a head start. Wow you are going really high Ava, you are going to beat me. Ava giggled, Erin got worried. Not to high Ava. Ava then felt herself being pushed?

Jamie was behind Ava pushing her. The boys went and sat down with Erin. Jamie had worn them out which was a good thing. Higher uncle Jamie, higher. Nicky laughed. That's cheating. Ava just stuck her tongue out at Nicky then Jamie did the same?

Erin was looking around the park to make sure that nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then she noticed it. She looked at the boys and told them to zip up their coats. The three of them walked over to the swings?

What's wrong sis. Jamie noticed the worried look on Erin's face. Erin made sure that Jamie could see over her shoulder. To my left, those guys look a bit, you know. Jamie looked at Erin and could see the men she meant. Jamie nodded?

Jamie carefully got Ava off the swing and held her on his hip. How about we go get ice cream. Ava nodded. One more monkey bars. Erin nodded. But this time Jamie held Ava's legs. Ava had one more bar to get. I wanna try. Jamie looked at her. Are you sure. Ava nodded?

Jamie slowly let go of her legs but stayed beside her. Uncle Jamie. Jamie stood at the last bar and held his arms out ready. Come on monkey swing to me. Ava giggled?

Then it happened, a few shots rang out over where the men were standing a few feet away from them. Ava tried to reach for the last bar and missed. Ava landed awkwardly on her arm and cried out in pain. Jamie had his off duty weapon out?

Erin ran over to Ava to make sure that she was okay apart from her arm. Nicky held the boys. A car sped off. Jamie ran over to the body that had now appeared near them. He got no pulse and called it in?

Erin held Ava, Ava just cried. I want mommy. Erin kisses her cheek. I know sweetie. Once their statements were taken by Jackie and Anthony. They were allowed to go. They went to the hospital?

While Ava was getting taken care of by the nurses, Jamie had to make the horrible call to Danny. Jamie placed his phone next to his ear, his heart stopped every time he heard it ring?

Reagan. Jamie became nervous. Hey, hey Danny. Danny could tell something was up. Who and what hospital. Jamie had to admit he kind of sounded like their father. Jamie sighed. St. Victor's and Ava. Linda and Danny left the restaurant they were at. We'll be there soon?

Jamie sat down next to Nicky and the boys. They'll be here soon and Danny is going to kill me. Wasn't your fault uncle Jamie. Jamie smiled at Jack. Thanks buddy?

Erin came out of the hospital room. She has a broken arm and grazed her forehead but she'll be ok. Jamie nodded. Linda and Danny are on their way, Danny knew something was up, he just said who and what hospital?

They all laughed, half an hour past and they arrived. The boys hugged Linda then Danny. What happened. Danny looked at Jamie?

Monkey bars and gun shots, but Ava is okay she just fell off the monkey bars due to the gun shots that were being fired near the park. Linda walked into the room. MOMMY. Linda picked Ava up. Hey sweetie, you had a busy day huh. Ava nodded. Yeah but it was fun but not the falling part?

Linda kissed her forehead. Let's get you home little one. Linda walked out of the room with Ava, Danny smiled. Hey munchkin. Ava smiled. I went on the monkey bars. Danny nodded. Uncle Jamie told me, then you fell. Ava nodded and held up her broken arm that had a purple cast on it. It's broken. Danny kissed it. But it will get fixed?

They all walked out into the car park. Linda looked at Ava. Maybe we should wrap her in bubble wrap. They all laughed. Danny nodded. Maybe we should?

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