Big time love song

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"Boys watch and learn"

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"Boys watch and learn"

fixing her hair the boys watch as Tamara walked towards the Jennifers.

"Heyy Tammy," the brunette said in a shy voice.

"How about we go on a picnic today at 3"

Tamara winked as she gave the signal.

"Sure see at you at 3" kissing her cheek the other Jennifers walked with her as they walked away.

"And that's how it's done"

"Wow you're like a magnet, a chick magnet," Carlos said in amazement.

"Yeah something like that"

"Alright Carlos here's your chance, go get them," Tamara said as she pushed him towards the Simms twins.

"What's my name?"


"This boy" stepping in the save him, Tamara wrapped an arm around mandy and sandy shoulder.

"Girls now there's no need-" before she could finish she fell in the pool with Carlos.

"I suggest you leave," Logan said to both of the twins.

Helping Carlos out of the pool a girl walked past.

The boys all screamed "she's mine" before they started arguing.

While Walking into the lobby from the pool Camille and Tamara seen Kendall and Logan hiding while Carlos was talking to the new girl.

looking at Camille they knew what to do.

While walking towards Carlos she fluffed her hair out and fixed her shirt.

"Hey papi, I was looking for you"

looking at jo, she smirked a little while grabbing his jacket and kissing him.
She didn't expect him to kiss back.

pulling away she put a thumbs up at Camille while walking towards the boys.

Turning around she saw Carlos walking towards them.

"What was that?"

Not knowing how to say she was jealous she just made up something.

"It was a friendly...kiss?"

Carlos looked at her with a small smirk.

"So friends kiss now?"

Looking up she saw Camille walking towards them "oops got to go"

"Nice acting"

"Yeah acting"

In the studio sitting next to Katie was Tamara as they talked about Carlos.

"But why did you kiss him?"

"I was jealous"

"So you do like him?"

Looking at Katie with wide eyes, she turned the other way.


Before Katie could finish Tamara ran out of the room and to the pool.

"Look I ain't gonna lie I was wrong for earlier" Camille nudged her shoulder. "...and I'm sorry "

"I understand, so that was your boyfriend?"

"no..but he is mine he just doesn't know it yet"

Hearing music outside Tamara peeks her head out seeing Logan, Kendall, and Carlos.

"Hey, guys!" "Great song but you should probably know I have a boyfriend back home"


"But we can still be friends right?"


As the boys were trying to help Gustavo out Camille came out onto the balcony with the girls.

"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend back home"

" I don't but I can't deal with that every day"

"Oh, Boys are stupid" Tamara nodded her head in agreement.

"Remember Logan's mine and Carlos and Tammy is endgame" Tamara was still nodding her head until she thought about it.


"Got it"

During the song, Carlos was singing while looking at Tamara the whole time.

"Get the picture!" kelly whispered yelled at Gustavo while patting his shoulder.

"That one is going in the book"

After the song was over griffin turned around in his seat.

"I tell you I want a slow love song and you ignore me and give me a hit"

"Yes" everyone cheered

"But I still want a slow love song, and put the word "baby" in it"

"Yeah that's good"

After griffin left, Tamara texted Logan to meet her in the hallway.

"I got to go" the boys looked at logan in suspicion of where he's going off too so fast.

"Did you find everything on the list?"

Logan looked down at his phone.

"Yes, but I don't get why you need a bouncy castle and-"

Putting her hand over his face, she shushed him and checked some stuff off of her list.

"Don't ask questions, now what's the percentage of Carlos going out with me"

Doing some stuff in his phone Logan looked up nervous. "Honestly?"


"You only have a 10% chance"

Looking away Logan thought she was about to yell at him, Tammy was doing a little happy dance.

"You're happy, why?"

"Because at least I have some chance of Carlos going out with me, now if we add in the stuff we bought what's the percentage now?"

"80% chance"

"Yay, what would I do without you"

"Probably die due to doing something stupid"

"Come here"

Hugging onto Logan, they didn't know Carlos was around the corner.

Friend-zoned{Carlos Garcia}Where stories live. Discover now