Memories from the past - CHAPTER 6 and a half -

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New found memories...
Memories that are never forgotten and never old
They can be from the young or older times...
Good or bad...
But newer memories can sometimes be the only ones repeating in your head



□, Smiled, today was going to be a special day. It was the day that □□, came to visit. 

□, frowned, he wished that he was able to accompany them but his 'sister', □□, didn't want him to go risking his life. Not again... after the last time he went with them...


It didn't go as expected... They were almost about to lose a life, □ almost give up his own life but the good thing is that □□□ stoped him right time.

'□!! ARE YOU CRAZY!!! WE KNOW THAT YOU WANT TO HELP... but... Not... not like this, alright?....', □□□ stated, 'Your going to make □□ worry to much...', □□□ paused, hesitating on what he was about to say, 'You know what happened the last time you... 'Died'... You remember how she acted... much she was in pain...', □ looked away, he doesn't want that to happen again... but how could he? He only wanted to help. □□□, let out a somber sigh

'But', □ started, 'How can I? How can I not help? It's not my fault'


Another special day... it's this time of year right now, is when Metro-Star City celebrates the year of スターウィッシュイヤー, also know as the 'Star wishing year' is a rather important year, since it when the stars greet and as from what the name says, they will grant you a wish of pure heart but only those, that are "Pure of heart" can grant a wish...

□, Smiled, he felt happy that he was finally able to be with □□ and the with the others, "Hey Kirby, your ready?", □ looked at □□.




Hello, am back... ;-;

Uhhh, so, I finally updated the book for once.

Am sorry, for not updating since, I felt uninspired, unmotivated, and will a lot of other things and plus I have been debating on which type of plot I should put on this book

So anyways, see ya.

I hope you have a good Day/Evening/Night!

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