Chapter 3 (Auditions)

Start from the beginning

"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"

"Ay pilgrams, lips that they must use in prayer"

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do! They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."

"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."

"Then move not while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged."

And here came the kiss. We leaned into each other and right before you know it our lips touched just like that. It felt magical. I felt butterflies I felt things that i never felt with Niomi. I grabbed her and moved her closer to me so that our bodies touch each other. Her breast pressing against my chest. She digged in deeper to the kiss and she was brushing her fingers through my hair.
I had forgotten that we were acting and in front of students and Mrs.Garcia. It felt like it was only us in this room.
We stopped. Mrs. Garcia started clapping and then everybody else as well. She looked at me awkwardly and just smiled. I smiled back at her.
"You two got the part. You guys look like you have chemistry and that kiss was so passionate."
Laura looked at me in surprise and her mouth nearly dropping to the ground.She looked so excited. I wonder how I looked.
"Uh thanks so much Mrs.Garcia." Laura replied in excitement
"Yeah thanks"
"Auditions are closed. All cast and crew need to report here after school for the next 4 weeks. The show day will be on October 20th."
We all rapidly exited the theater. I nervously exited.
"So you got the part,"said Laura, "you excited"
"Uh yeah I am and congrats on getting the role of Juliet."
I heard someone screaming my name from behind.
"Ross! Ross stop walking."
Oh please don't be you. I turned around and I saw Niomi.
"Where do you think your going?"
"No we have to go..."
"You have to go not me we broke up okay."
"No you were just playing around."
"No I wasn't. Look Niomi I don't like you anymore and also because of you my siblings haven't came to visit me cause they don't like you. And you are always asking me to do things for you I'm not your servant now bye. Have a great life"
"Ross I command you to stop."
I kept walking on. I hadn't noticed that Laura left.
Laura Pov
"Chris that was all for an audition. And if you trust me then we should just stop dating!"
" I don't think we have to take it that far."
"Yeah I do think we should. I would never cheat on you and Ross has a girlfriend."
"But I mean it's not so we could break up."
"Well I think we should bye Chris"
"Laura wait" he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I tried pushing him, but he was using so much force. He reached into me and kissed me I was trying to push him away. I kicked him in his bulge and I ran as fast I could as he was trying to relax the pain. I bumped into a girl. "Oh I'm so sorry."
"Better be." she replied in a mean manner.
I looked up and saw it was Ross' girlfriend. I looked back and saw Chris was coming already but walking fast and in pain.
I started to run and run away. I saw that Ross was up ahead.
"Ross!" I ran to him and hugged him as hard as I can I started crying into his white T-shirt.
"What's wrong Laura?"
I just cried and tried to reply to him "Chris was trying to kiss me forcefully."
"What?!?" I looked up and his face looked mad. His face was filled with rage. His fist was hard. He let go of me and started walking fast headed to where he thought Chris was at.
My face lit up and I started walking towards him but he started running so I did as well screaming his name and yelling "stop Ross where are you going"
He finally found Chris hanging with his other friends and he yelled "Yo Chris" and punched him. He threw him to the ground. Ross kept hitting him and Chris was trying to take him off. When he finally did he said "What's wrong with you dude?"
"What's wrong with me what's wrong with you! Why did you force Laura to do something she didn't want to do?"
I hid behind Ross because Chris looked at me mad.
"You told him. Ha obviously looking for your lover right."
"You leave her alone."
"Are you trying to call me a slut?" I yelled to him
"Well I wasn't but if the shoe fits then yeah."
I walked right in front of him and kicked him right again in his bulge but harder and slapped him.
"Ouch" everybody around said.
I walked away calmly. I made my way to the parking lot. I went into my car and checked my phone. 9 missed calls from Vanessa. 5 messages from my mom. Ugh I forgot about that. I was so mad, sad, and over all somewhat happy, but why? I put my head back on the seat head and exhaled in relief.
I turned on the car after 5 minutes. I heard a knock on my door and I jumped. It was Ross. I pulled down the window. "Hey"
"Hey you okay"
"Yeah, I'm fine"
"Just making sure we'll bye see you on Monday."
"Uh thanks for everything. I appreciate it, but you didn't have to do that."
"Yeah I did."
He was about to leave when I called him over again. "Ross uh" I got out of my car and I jumped up and hugged him. I pulled me in closer and we hugged tightly. We were going to let go but our lips sort of touched we reached in and kissed. Oh god please no don't make me feel this. Ross had a girlfriend and well I just broke up with my boyfriend.

We let go and I got into my car and drove off.

Both POV
I stopped the car and I smiled thinking that I just kissed her (him). I didn't feel guilty at all. I entered my house with my parents all asking me questions and my brother(sister) shaking her head in disappointment. I, on the other hand, just smiled.

Hope you like this and ignore the weird bold italics then both

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