Play Date Part 2

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The entire school years of Sofia in Corinthians Sports middle school was great. She has new friends, and her time in school was the best. She has no regrets of what she chose, despite the heart break.

The first year was really difficult cause she sees Hugo everyday with his girlfriend. Since he was her close friend, she can't just throw him out of her life. He's still special to her. She manage to distant herself from him, to always keep saying she's busy but always making time for him every weekends. This doesn't stop her from loving him, instead of getting distant, they eventually became best friends.

As years went on, Sofia accepted that Hugo only seen her as his best friend. Not showing any interest to her. Cause she can tell that he was over hills in love with Cheska and she's happy for him to be happy with someone, even if it's not her. They were the school's lovebirds and they were inseparable until...

"Cheska what's wrong with you, I've been sending you letters over the summer but you weren't responding to any of them!" Hugo yelled at Cheska, it was just another School Year as a second year, but it started with the two known love birds at the school having a quarrel.

"Hugo stop, everyone is staring at us." She answered, gritting her teeth, not bothering to look at him. 

"I don't care Cheska! I even came to your castle and you didn't even tell me that your family is on vacation at another castle!" He yelled again, they were  now outside and out of other people's sight while Sofia just happened to be there for Derby practice. 

"So what if I did! Why do you even care Hugo!" Cheska finally answered and facing him.

"Because I'm your boyfriend Ches! I love and care for you!" Hugo exclaimed, as Cheska's eyes widen to his confession but her face then drop, showing guilt to her face.

"I'm sorry Hugo... I should've known how much you have fallen for me..." She say, hesitantly opening her mouth.

"W-what are you saying Cheska?" Hugo tighten his grip to her palms, fearing what she's about to say. 

"I should've told you this sooner, but I'm breaking up with you Hugo... I don't think you're the one for me... and I'm in love with someone else..." The raven haired boy let go of her now ex lover's hand. "You were great to me Hugo... But my heart loves someone else..."

Cheska walks away, not bothering to comfort him, not knowing what to do. "I'm sorry Hugo... Goodbye."

As she left, Hugo just stood there frozen. Still not accepting that the girl he love has broken up with him and already found someone else. He somehow can't accept it. 

Sofia was about to leave but she's worried to see her best friend standing there. So she slowly approached him until he noticed her presence behind him. Hugo saw her and looked at her derby outift then his surrounding, realizing that she coincidentally saw and heard their fight. 

"Oh hey Sofia, sorry that you got to see that." He force a smile, which fails to fool his best friend. "As you can see, me and Cheska broke up... But I-I... I'm fine..." 

The caramel haired girl can tell that those eyes she loved had darken. Knowing that he's in pain hurts her too. She knows very well that Hugo is the type to hide his true feeling, cause he's being born and raised that way as a man of their family. Refusing to show his weakness. 

Instead of answering, Sofia gave him a hug. Hugo was taken aback at first cause he's not really the hugging type to his friends and family. Although he has no idea that it is something that he ever need. Tears falling down out of control and he couldn't hold on the strong pain in his chest. He just cried in his best friend's arms, the one whom he trust. The one who's always there with him.

Hugfia (Sofia X Hugo) One-Shots!💕💖Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora