The Prince and the Village Girl Part 2 🤴💔

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It's been almost a year since Sofia and Hugo had been dating. They go on dates on their usual spot in the forest everytime they meet on the weekends they just had a picnic, walking around the village while selling shoes, go shopping, and simply just chatting. 

Their relationship starts from a simple sweet words, hand holding and cuddles.

Sofia has never been in a relationship before nor expect that she has a boyfriend, not just any boyfriend, but the prince of Albuquerque.  

Despite her hatred and fear towards royalty, especially living that life once they ended up together. It no longer matters to Sofia, her relationship with Hugo matters to her the most. 

For the past half year, she keeps on falling in love with her boyfriend. She enjoys every single moment with him. Their love makes everything just wonderful in her life. He was her whole world and she wants nothing else but just her lover that she treasures. 

She thought their love is gonna last forever... But she was wrong...

"Sofia..." Hugo speak up, in a low tone. Clearly signalling that something is going wrong. Sofia just shrugged it off, thinking she's gonna fix it, she's just excited to spend another week with him. But the next word that Hugo say made her drop the basket that she prepared for him, "I think... I think we should break up..."

Sofia felt her nerves froze, a wave of shocking emotion took over her. She stopped preparing the picnic and slowly glance at her lover.

"W-what...?" She asked, confirming what she heard was true. The silence and the expression that he made, already confirmed. 

"My father is planning to marry me with a princess from another kingdom, it's been a traditional for the royal family to strengthen each other's kingdom... Since my brother refuse to be the king and I'm the next heir to the throne, I was... force to marry another princess, that's why..." Hugo hesitantly continued, doesn't have the courage to finish the sentence. 

The brunette village girl on the other hand had her emotions loose out of control with a mix of anger and a  heartbreaking sadness. 

"So this is what this is..." Tears fell that she wasn't able to hold back. "All this time... All this time! You're no different than the other royals, you're just another one of those royals! Messing and breaking people's heart, being so arrogant because of their high status! Is that what it is?!"

"Sofia no I-" 

"You decided to break up with me so easily because you prefer a prettier girl from gowns and tiaras than a girl who's wearing rag and sell shoes for a living, is that it?!"

"It's not like that!" He shouted and grabbed her shoulders to grab her attention. Seeing his dark emerald eyes has tears that fell down from his eyes. "It's not easy for me either! My father doesn't allow me and my brother to marry someone who's not royalty... Since our kingdom is getting broke and weaker,  I was instantly betrothed with the Princess of Enchancia. I'm not doing this for myself Sofia... I'm doing this for my father and to my people in Albequerque as their prince and... future king..."

Sofia remained silent and didn't bother to look up to see his face. The silence between them felt torturing for him.

"I love you Sofia... I don't really wanna break this relationship between us, it took me weeks to decide and how to tell you this. I just wanna spend these time with you and I love every moment of it..." When he was about to continue, the silent girl shove both of his hands off her shoulders and slowly step back. Still not looking up. "Sofia please... It hurts me to see you like this, I don't want this to break our relationship, you are special to me... you-"

"Liar!" She yelled, finally looking up facing him with a teary eye. "You liar... I thought you loved me, you even told me you're gonna marry me... How dare you tell me all this just to say it's over."

"That's not true Sofia, I really loved you! I-" 

"Liar! You choose your kingdom over me! You replaced me with a princess... How dare you... how dare you make me fall in love with you..." She cried as she cover her eyes with both of her hands, sobbing. Hugo was about to hug her but she slap his hands away. "Enough!... I never should've met you! I don't wanna see you again... From now on I'll forget about you and you'll do the same..."

The village girl picked up her picnic basket and left. While the prince froze seeing his lover left him with a broken heart...

Timeskip: 1 year

It's been months since Sofia never seen nor talk to Hugo. That night when she broke up with him, she came home with a torn in her heart. Crying on her mom's shoulder.

She refuse to see him. She couldn't bear meeting him as his gonna get married to another lady, who is not her. 

Things for the past month has slowly gotten better for her. Until it's 1 year.

Until life surprises her once again when her mom comes home with an engagement ring in her finger and the man who she's always been talking about, is waiting outside.

"Sofia, remember the man I've always talk about? The one whom I love." 

Sofia's mom always talks about the man name Roland. She can tell her mom is in love once again which she doesn't mind at all. But what she said next surprises her and what surprised her the most is the man whom she's with. As he came into the room and greeted her.

"Hey Sofia, it's good to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you..." The blonde man with green eyes smiled warmly at her. "Even if we don't share the same blood, I'll love you with all of my heart as my daughter."

He patted her head, like a little kid. Although she was still surprise that this man, who's not just any man but the king of her village, suddenly called her his daughter "W-what?? You mean..."

They both smiled happily as a silly loving couple, as they hold into each other's arms. "Were engaged!"

Sofia is having a hard time processing. How is it possible that out of all man that her mother's gonna be lovestruck with is gonna be the king. She doesn't know if she's gonna be happy or scared of what's going to be ahead of her life's chapter.

"Sofia, I declare you to be the new Princess of Enchancia!"

Long? I know! Hehe. Like I said I just wrote this for fun for you guys to enjoy. There'll be part 3! Hope you guys love this chapter!^^💕💕

(Come back for the Fanart)

Hugfia (Sofia X Hugo) One-Shots!💕💖Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang