The Angel of Darkness Part 2

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It has been a few weeks and Mathesis and Astoria have gotten closer. 

Mathesis sits on the floor thinking about his and Astoria's last conversation.


"I have missed our late-night conversations," Astoria says. Mathesis replies, "Yeah, me too." He looks into the bright, shining moon. Astoria's face looks like an angel in the moon's light, Mathesis thinks. "What I shouldn't be thinking that," Mathesis says in his head. He is brought back to reality when Astoria asks, "What are you thinking about?" I am thinking about you," Mathesis says. Astoria blushed. Mathesis slowly leans in, so does Astoria, and slowly and softly their lips attach. 


Mathesis laughs, thinking about the kiss they shared last night. "All part of the master plan," he thinks. 

In the corner of his eye, he sees a certain fallen angel with blonde, silky hair. "Bingo," he whispers. Astoria strolled towards him with a smile that could heart warm any devil. She then places herself next to him and says with her angelic voice, "Hello Mathesis." Mathesis replies in his normal dark, twisted, deep voice, "Hello Astoria." "I was thinking about last night, was you?" She questions. "Yes, I was, should we recreate what happened last night?" He asks. "It would be my pleasure," Astoria says in a joyful tone. They both lean but faster than last time, the kiss was fierce and passionate. Unfortunately, they had to pull away because of the lack of oxygen in their lungs. Mathesis then says "Meet me here again at midnight." Astoria replies, "Sure, see you at midnight." As Astoria walks away, Mathesis whispers, "This is going to be a really fun night..."

Here is part 2 of The Angel Of Darkness.

Hope you enjoyed it! There will be another part soon. 

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See you in the next one... if you dare.

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