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It had been a week since your father had made the call to the doctor who had helped him put your mom in the coma. He said it would take a little time for her to fully wake up because the medication in her system had to wear itself down little by little but today was finally the day she woke up.

You were sitting in your room reading a book when soul, who had fully recovered along with everyone else, burst in, sweating and out of breath "(name)!" He finally spoke up "soul? Are you okay? What's wrong?" You asked while throwing the book on the bed and walking over to him. You grabbed his face in your hands causing him to blush a light pink. He stayed silent for a few seconds, not wanting to end the moment but you spoke up again "soul?" He shook his hand slightly and placed his hands over your own that were still on his face and pulled them off but still held them in front of you both "It's...your dad told's your mom...she's awake" he said, stumbling over his words a little

Your eyes widened and you let go of his hands and dashed out the door and started running down the halls, he stared after your retreating figure then smiled, knowing you were going to be happy to finally see her in a better state

You were still running at full speed and as you turned another corner you bumped into someone's chest. You started to fall back but the person wrapped their arms around your waist, successfully catching you and pulling back into their chest "are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" You looked up to see the owner of the voice was Kid, who had a worried expression. You started to blush slightly then placed your hands on his chest to balance your self in his hold

You shook your head and smiled, still making eye contact with him "no, I'm fine kid. Sorry for bumping into you it's just I heard my mom woke up and-" before you could finish your sentence Kid's eye widened and he let you go, placed a hand on your back and started pushing you gently "what are you standing around here for? Go to her quick" he said, still pushing you forward "but kid-" you tried to speak up "(name), please, I know how important this is for you. We can talk later okay, please go see your mother" he said with a soft smile he's so cute... you smiled at the fact that despite everything you've put him through all these years and even losing your memories with him for a short time, he still cared about you and knew you better than anyone else why did I ever think I couldn't be with this symmetry loving little weirdo you thought while smiling even bigger "okay, thanks kid!" You yelled back at him as you started running again. You only had one more corner to turn before you got to your mom's room

You finally reached her room, you were panting and had bent over placing your hands on your knees trying to regain your breath. After catching your breath you stood up straight and placed your hand on the door handle then turned the knob and pushed the door open.

Your eyes grew wide and your hand dropped back to your side. Before you, sitting up in her bed with your father standing at her bedside, was your mother. She was awake and sipping a cup of tea. Finally her gaze went from the cup in front of her face to where you were standing at the doorframe. Your father followed her gaze and turned around to watch your reaction "....m-mom?" you managed to stutter out.

She placed her cup on the nightstand beside her bed and threw the sheets off of her before standing up with help from your father. He held her hand as she took a few steps towards you, you mirrored her actions, finally stepping away from the doorframe. Once you were about a foot away she dropped to her knees and embraced you in a tight hug. Placing a hand behind your head and wrapping one arm around your waist, pulling you as close to her as possible "Oh my baby (name)...I can't believe how big you are now...where did the time go..." were the first words you heard out of her mouth in so many years. You could feel her tears falling on your shoulder.

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