"Three hours? Right at lunch time." She complained with a sigh. "He hasn't even left Atlanta yet. This acquisition must not mean much to him I guess." She huffed, picturing in her mind the photo of the male in his mid 50s that she'd seen in business magazines over the years. He was kind of handsome for an older man, but even still, he was known as a shark and she was ready for her vengeance for the giant hole he ripped into her soul by buying her family's company right out from underneath her with no warning.

She sighed and got up from the table. "I'll be back in two and a half hours." She let out just above a whisper. Kaname watched his sister leave, debating stopping her but deciding ultimately to give her the space she needed, taking a good guess at where she might be headed to be alone. He then smiled to himself, relieved about no longer having to worry about the burden of being CEO.

Nearly five hours later, having come back from her walk, Kaya sits with her arms crossed over her desk and face resting on her forearm. She lets out another aggravated sigh then checks her phone. She texts Kenji telling him the new boss still hasn't arrived yet then sets the phone back down when she hears a knock at the door. She gets up and moves quickly across the room opening the door, finding Kaname staring back at her. "He's here." Kaname tells her with cheer in his voice. She lets out a relieved sigh and locks her office behind her, following her brother back to the meeting room.

Toru sits on the desk of the meeting room watching Kaname and Kaya enter the room. He smirks at the pair and ignores Kaname to speak first to Kaya. "Oh good, just who I need to see. Be a doll and go get me a coffee. No cream, just three sugars." Kaya stops in her tracks and looks around to see who he might have been talking to. All eyes are on her. "I'm sorry thi-" Kaname starts, being cut off by Toru. "The pretty ones are always a little slow for some reason. You, pretty girl. Bring Coffee. Three Sugars." He tells her condescendingly.

Kaya smiles at him and nods, leaving the room. Kaname looks at him to speak again, but Toru started speaking instead. "Gotta say, we're going to have to replace some of your employees with some of ours, but I don't think I could just get rid of a hot little number like that. Just seeing her got my blood pumping enough to make me nearly forget all about my hangover. Anyway, I'm Toru Oikawa, the new boss or... whatever." Oikawa studies Kaname for a moment, seeing the angry look on his face and the way his hands are clenched at his sides. "Sorry, was that one of your personal office girls or something?" He asks curiously.

Before Kaname could answer, Kaya walked back into the room holding a cup of coffee. Toru smiled at her lazily saying thank you until he saw her hold his eye-contact and spit in the cup while giving him a death glare. "My my, aren't we a feisty one. If you think I have a problem with spit in my coffee, you've got another one coming, doll face." He teases, grabbing the cup from her slowly and taking a sip. "Mmmm, extra sweet." He coos at her before licking his lips sensually. "Maybe later you can give me a taste straight from the source." He winks at her. Kaname blows up, pulling Kaya closer to him. "Stop talking to my sister like that! Fucking Christ, she isn't an assistant. She's President of the fucking company and she has a fiancé." He takes a defensive stance towards Toru.

Toru stands looking down at the siblings for a moment with no shame registering on his face. "What her fiancé doesn't know won't hurt him. And if she isn't an assistant, she could have just said that instead of actually bringing me coffee." He lets out coolly. "I wanted to spit in it." She tells him proudly with a sadistic grin on her face. Oikawa lets out a dangerous hum. "Oh baby cakes, you can put your spit anywhere, concerning me, anytime. Just say the word." He gives a suggestive wink, Kaya rolling her eyes at him and crossing her arms. "Why are you here anyway? You're not Mr. Oikawa." She accused.

"Aren't I though? Last I checked, Oikawa's been my surname for 26 years." She looks closer at him. The same chocolate eyes and messy brown hair she's seen from the CEO of Seijoh Corp looking back at her. "So what, the son is taking over at Seijoh Corp already?" She asks with venom in her voice. Oikawa pushes down the emotional sting at her remark. "No, not Seijoh Corp, just their newly acquired asset, Date Tech." He tells her cockily. Kaya groans and sits at the table in her usual seat. "You were supposed to be here hours ago. Get stuck in traffic?" She asked, sitting back. "No, just didn't wake up until just after 12. Speed here pretty quickly. Made it in just over an hour." He tells her proudly.

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