Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Cassie lost count of how many bags of different colour fluids had been pumped into her body. While getting the blue fluid, she passed out with the pain. When she woke up she saw a yellow fluid hanging from the iv pole. After the yellow everything just became a blur.

people walked into the room every few minutes to check her pulse and then they would leave. And after an hour when the fluids are all gone, they're replaced with a different type.

"Sir, we've used all the fluid. I think we should let her body come immune to the fluids before we try to test her." Arnim Zola looks up at Johann Schmidt,

"Very well, Doctor. But I want her in peak condition when we are finished." He replied German drenched in his voice.

"Very well, Sir." Arnim Zola said looking through the window to see the redhead blankly staring at the roof while the last of the purple fluids run through her veins,

"How will we know this has worked, Doctor?" Schmidt asked looking down at the doctor.

"If she lives." He bluntly says looking up at the tall brunette.

"Very well." He looked at the redhead,

"I have no douth that she will survive. She is much stronger than we thought of her to be." Arnim said and that's all it takes for Johann Schmidt to nod and walk out of the lab.

after an hour of the purple fluid, Arnim Zola walked into the room, he pulled the leather restraints off. But as he expected, she didn't move. She continued to stare at the roof. Rolling his eye's he backhanded her across the face to wake her up.

she started to blink her eye's not even contemplating the stinging pain on her left cheek. Looking over to her left she saw Arnim Zola looking at her with a Duchenne smile.

"Hello again, Ms Carter." He said looking down at her. She just looks at him confused.

"What's happened to me." She clutched the sides of her head letting out a whimper as different voices and noises run through her head.

"Ms Carter?" Zola asked her confused as to what's happening.

"What have you done to me?" She screamed through all the shouting voices in her head.

"It worked," Arnim whispered to himself, proud of what he had done. He had unlocked the redhead's dormant black magic. "Ms Carter, what do you hear?" He asked getting a pen from behind his ear and held it to the piece of paper on his clipboard.

"You bastard. How do you not know what's happening to me? You mother fucking did this to me." She screamed through the grit of her teeth. It wasn't paining her with all the voices in her head, it was just really loud and annoying.

"Tell me, Ms Carter. What's happening. I can help it stop." He said and Cassie hesitated before telling him.

"All these voices, they're filling my head. I can't concentrate." She told him with a grunt. Her eye's and clamped shut while her hands are pressed against her temples as she lays on the wooden table.

"It really did work." He whispered again with a grin on his face. "You need to just focus on my voice. Just block all the other voices out, and listen to my voice." He said looking at her.

the longer she listened to his voice, the more the voices faded away. Eventually, after a few minutes, she slowly opens her eyes and pulled her hands away from her head. "Very good." The doctor muttered as he wrote something on the clipboard.

Cassie would've run out of the room when she realised the restraints were off around her wrists. But she was too weak to and her ankles were also restrained. That's when a hiss came from Cassie's mouth. Remembering her ankle, but the thing was. It wasn't as sour as it should be after her running on it.

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