Chapter Fourteen

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24th of December

I walk into Bucky's neighbourhood with a newspaper and a crepe paper coved scarf I knitted for Bucky for Christmas, under my arm. And I also knitted one for Rebecca and Tom as well, Jack was a bit young to knit a scarf for. As I reach the door I place the newspaper in my mouth so I could reach the handle.

Knock, knock, knock

I hear small feet running towards the door and smile as I imagine Rebecca running to get the door. As the door opens I put the newspaper under my left arm again.

"Cassie Wassy." She screeched and instantly wrapped her arms around my stomach.

Becca came up with a weird but funny nickname for me; Cassie Wassy.

"Hey, Becca Bear." I say as I crouch down to her height to give her a proper hug, "How are you doing?" I ask her with a smile.

"Amazing." She says and I stand up again and step inside, I look around to see anyone.

"Becca where is everyone?" I ask her before I looking down at her.

"Ma and Da went out to get some food together and Bucky's is in his room." She tells me so innocently, I just frown my eyebrows.

"Becca, when did your parents leave to get food?" I ask her and she smiles and shrugs her shoulders.

"About five minutes ago maybe." She tells me and I smirk at her and roll my eye. I crouch down to her height.

"Becca, you wanna go wake up Bucky?" I ask her with a smirk and she just smiles at me and nods her head vigorously.

I walk into the kitchen and place the three presents and the newspaper on the table. Becca then grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs to Bucky's room. The door is closed soft snoring comes from his room, I look down at Becca and she starts to giggle but I put a finger over my mouth and I stop, but a smile stays on her face.

After thanksgiving a month ago, It's come a regular that I go to Bucky's house for no reason. His family have just gotten used to it by now, sometimes Steve is even over here. I also go over to Steve's house sometimes.

Rebecca cracks the door open slightly to see Bucky smothered in his blanket. It was like he was a caterpillar in a cocoon. Rebecca slowly and quietly tiptoes over to the bed. I lean against the door frame, hands crossed over my chest as I look at the scene unfold. 

Rebecca suddenly jumps on top of Bucky and a grunt is heard as Bucky starts moving around on the bed. "What the fuck." Bucky says as he sits up, his hair is a mess and Rebecca sits at the end on the bed looking at him.

"Morning Bucky," Becca says and Bucky groans and falls back against his pillow again.

"Becca, why did you wake me up so early?" Bucky asks but before Rebecca can answer and cut in.

"Because I told her to," I say and Bucky shoots up and looks at me, the smallest blush comes across his cheeks.

"Cassie, what are you doing here?" He says as he stands up but as he stands up I can't but glance at his abs,

Wow, how fit is he?

I look over to the side as he walks over to his wardrobe and looks though to grab a shirt, the less I look at him, the more obvious is that I want to look at him.

"Uhm, I came here to give you a gift. For Christmas. Becca opened the door and said your parents were out getting food." I tell him and eventually look up at him as he buttons up his white long sleeve shirt.

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