Danny: don't Daniel me, and like I said before Grace is still sleeping.

Rachel: well, I want to talk to her.

Danny: I just said she's sleeping.

Rachel: why hasn't she picked up for any of my calls? I'm sure me calling her would've woken her up.

Danny: she was sleeping in my room cause she was scared. She left her phone in her room, and why haven't you answered or returned any of my calls?

Rachel: well, when she wakes up tell her to call me.

Danny: why don't you want to talk to me?

Rachel: cause Daniel, I don't want to. Now, just tell Grace to call me when she wakes up, ok?

Danny: what did I do to you this time?

Rachel: good bye Daniel! (She said and then she hung up)

Danny put Gracie's phone back on her nightstand and went back to his room. When he walked in, he saw Gracie sitting up on his bed with a very scared look on her face. Danny ran over to her to see what was wrong.

Danny: what's wrong monkey? (He said climbing into bed and hugging her)

Gracie: I had a nightmare, where did you go?

Danny: it's ok monkey, I was just in your room, but it's ok. (He said in a very soothing way) I'm here now.

Gracie hugged him.

Danny: do you want to talk about the nightmare?

Gracie: It was about mom, did you talk to her yet?

Danny: yeah, she called your phone. That's why I went to your room.

Gracie: is she ok?

Danny: yes, but she said she wanted to talk to you later today.

Gracie: good. (She said with a sigh of relief and a yawn)

Danny: well, c'mon monkey you need to get some sleep (he said said laying down on the bed beside her)

Gracie: I know, but I can't sleep.

Danny: why not?

Gracie: I can't sleep with the thunder and lightning.

Danny: I know monkey, but you have to at least try.

Gracie: ok.

And with that, Gracie closed her eyes. The room fell silent, except for the rain and the occasional crack of thunder.

Gracie: Danno, is uncle Steve ok?

Danny: I don't know monkey, I'll call him in the morning. (He said with a yawn)

Gracie: ok.......what about aunt kono, and uncle chin?

Danny: I'm pretty sure they're all fine.

Gracie: and aunt Catherine?

Danny: she is with uncle Steve, and they're probably fine as well. I'll call everyone tomorrow.

Gracie: ok...... Do you mean tomorrow, as in the day after today, or just later on today? Cause if you mean today, then it already is today cause it's 4:00am, but it still counts.

Danny: I mean today at a decent hour, when normal people get up. (He said with another yawn)

Gracie: but uncle Steve gets up close to this time.

Danny: no, he still has about an hour. Plus he can get up when ever he wants, but for now we both need our sleep, ok? Cause neither of us have really had a good night, or enough sleep.

Gracie: ok.......(five minutes later) but what about Amber? will she be ok?

Danny: I don't know, but I'll call her in th- (then he noticed who she said and pulled his phone out and dialed Amber's number) I'm calling her now.

His cell phone was sent strait to voicemail, so he called again, and it went straight to voicemail again. He tried again...... And again, it went straight to voicemail, but when he tried again for the fourth time, and was again sent straight to voicemail he left a message......

Danny: hey Amber, um... I was just calling to check in and see how your doing with the storm. Give me a call back when you get this, thanks, bye. (Then he hung up and waited a few minutes to see if she would call, then he laid back down and tried to go sleep, but the sound of the thunder and rain and now worry, kept him up)

Gracie: Danno, will I have to go to school tomorrow, or I mean later on today?

Danny:*sighed* your husbands gonna love you, you know that. No, I don't think so, but you should still go to sleep.

Gracie: good, cause I had a test and I kinda forgot to study.

Danny: how did you forget to study? You always study.

Gracie: umm... I was doing something else.

Danny: and what would that be?

Gracie: um..... Playing the wii.

Danny: well, later you will have plenty of time to study, don't you worry.

Gracie: But Danno, if I'm not gonna take the test anyways, do I still have to study?

Danno: yes, you still need to be smart, ok?

Gracie: yes Danno.

Danny: good, now please try and get some sleep.

Gracie: but Danno...

Danny: no buts, you need some sleep. Look it's already almost five o clock.

Gracie: exactly, so why bother sleeping now?

Danny: come on monkey, go to sleep, please.

Gracie: ok...I'll try, but I make no promises.

Danny: fine, but at least try.

Gracie: ok.

Ten minutes later Grace finally fell asleep.

A/N: hi guys sorry it took me so long to put up the next chapter. I'll try and update more frequently. I hope you all enjoy! Ps. I'd like to give a special thanks to @raestyles9876 for helping me with my trailer for this book, and @Sherry_Aloha for the shoutout thnx so much, you guys are awesome!

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